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Best Lasagna Ever!!

This weekend I mixed a batch of pesto into one pound of crumbled tofu & used that as one layer of filling in my lasagna. The other layer was chopped spinach, sliced mushrooms & chopped olives. I used extra noodles between the layers & lots of sauce, top & bottom. I topped with Follow Your Heart vegan mozz & man, oh man, this stuff will not last through Thursday & my pan is huge!!

The pesto/tofu layer made this the BEST LASAGNA EVER!!! It is absolutely wonderful!!

Post the recipe on the site so we can all indulge in lasagna-ey goodness  ;D


My DH is going to use your ingredients for a pizza topping that he's going to make tonight for dinner.  I'll bet it's going to be so good.


TinTexas's pizza idea has me pondering


There aren't many Italian dishes that don't benefit from a good dose of basil. When I make tofu lasagna I usually process the tofu in a food processor with a little olive oil, nutritional yeast, basil and garlic. Very hard to tell from ricotta cheese. My wife and I fed it to her parents last Saturday and didn't tell them until after the meal. They were astounded. I felt a little bad about letting my father-in-law take a lactaid pill before eating.  :)

If you really want to try an extra flavorful pesto sometime try making it with purple basil (sometimes called opal basil). We bought some once when every grocery store we went to was out of the green variety. It looks a little odd in a pesto but tastes tremendous. More of an intense flavor then green.

I'm growing green and purple plus globe basil in my garden right now. It's growing like weeds. Can't wait to try it fresh off the plant. The purple stuff looks really cool, it's a very deep, dark purple color.


TinTexas's pizza idea has me pondering

Actually it's J_in_Texas' idea (aka oldtroopn71 on Transitional Vegetarian, if he ever posts there!)

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