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To my homosexual friends:

1. Does it bother/annoy/etc. you when people use the term "gay" to mean "stupid"? It's always bothered me, since the very first time I heard it used!

2. Does it bother/annoy/etc. you when people use what they think to be gay voices and a joking manner? I've noticed a lot of my co workers (straight males and females) do this. I'm just like...  ???

We have a whole world of different gays down my way.  When anyone uses the term "gay" in front of us, we always reply "yep that is so fabulous!".  Maybe we're just the thick skinned type; we are mountaineers and country bumpkins afterall.  My girlfriend and I have never been offended when kids use "gay" to mean stupid because kids are kids.  Working at the local roller rink (which is run by all gays; awesome) we hear it A LOT.  But our regular kids started hearing us reply with "yep that is so fabulous!" so much they now say it to other teens that are new comers to the rink.  I think if all the fellows gays and lesbians embrace it and turn it into something positive by showing people we aren't phased by it, it'll lose it's steam and end.

Recently teens have been using the term "rape" in my area, which really ticks me off.  They'll go to each other, "man I was so raped on that quiz!" or "wow my mom raped my freedom tonight by making me do the dishes!".  I think some teenagers just look for any way to piss off people, not caring who they hurt in the process.  Using gay to mean stupid is one thing, but using a term that refers to the physical and mental harm to someone is another. Yeesh!


"flappychaps."  ;D I love it! .....gonna send that to all my gay dude friends now thx.

A straight dude's take on the word "faggot":
(You might remember him as the originator of the "bag of dicks" joke)

plus, Queersighted's blog celebrating Louis CK's use of the word.


carrot_wench, thanks for posting that! It's such a coincidence, just tonight a good friend was telling me to check out Louis CK and here he is!
SO funny!! :)

p.s. HH, thanks for posting those sassy gay friend vids. Hilarious! Now I wish I had me a sassy gay friend. (only lesbians in my town, many of whom are good friends of mine, but no sassy gay MEN here!!)


Louis CK is funny.  I was trying to explain to my co-worker what works and doesn't work for me.  I should point him in the direction of Louis CK.


what, what, what are you doing?!?


I don't get it. I think I'm broken. When people say 'that's gay' or 'what a homo' or whatever, I get all butthurt (yes, that was intentional). But when someone busts out a 'faggot!' I'm just completely nonplussed.


you mean... indifferent, or surprised/confused?


Those Sassy Gay Friend videos are my new favorite thing.  ;D


I identify as queer/lesbian and I do find it offensive when people say "that's so gay" or make fun of sterotypical "gay male" mannerisms but I also find it offensive when people tell racist or sexist jokes or make fun of sterotypes about people of color or religions. I don't really see a difference. It sends a message of a group not being worthy of respect.  I think it is ridiculous to assume people should just get over being  devalued. I grew up in and live in a rural area where it's not entirely safe to be anything other than white and heterosexual.  I remember the effect that hearing that stuff in my high school had on me when I was struggling with sexuality and it would have made a huge difference if adults had stopped that.  I think that it's important to challenge young people to use words that really reflect what they are trying to communicate and teach acceptance. 


I'm a gendervarient pansexual, biologically female.

(Gendervarient- I change my gender day to day, sometimes male, sometimes female, etc) (Pansexual- Pan means all, so it's attraction to all sexes (male, female, and intersex) and all genders (man, woman, trans, FTM, MTF, Neutrois, third genders, etc))

I find "that's so gay" and other gay put-downs offensive, but at the same time I've been exposed to much worse so it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.  It still upsets me, but after being harassed in other ways I find it easier to ignore.

The biggest problem with the two scenarios you described is that it is almost passive in the way that it insults the GLBT community.  You don't have to be a homophobe to do it, in fact my father may use those terms, and yet he is more supportive of me than my mother (he and I always talk about which women I'm attracted to, which is kind of hilarious since we are occasionally attracted to the same female celebrities, think Shania Twain, haha).  In this way, the term gets tossed around meaninglessly.  The other problem is that when someone says "working on Christmas Eve is so gay!" it may make people uncomfortable, but it's hard to tell someone not to say it because we/they may think using the term is victimless.

Saying "this work is so gay!" versus "my boss is so gay!"  People think that the first one is harmless because there's no direct victim, the second one has a more direct victim (the boss).  Does that make sense?

But really, after being asked...
"Do you fuck dogs and, like, horses?"
"Pansexuals will have sex with anything.  No, I read it online, they'll have sex with animals and children."  WTF?
"You're just doing it for attention."  Uh huh, who I bang in the privacy of my own home is definitely because I'm an attention seeker, riiiiight.
"Have you ate out a chick before?  Ewwwww!"  She said "eww" before I could tell her that since I didn't want to know where her tongue had been, she didn't have to know about mine.

I would take "that's so gay" 100 times rather than relive any one of those moments.


As a Bisexual / myself altogether, I don't personally take much offense from "gay" and "fag" slang but I'm more sensitive to and disproving of its use out of consideration to others?  Maybe because I don't really self-identify with the word homosexual very much to begin with.  A gay friend of mine, who I've known my whole life, is definitely not okay with this kind of language.


Those Sassy Gay Friend videos are my new favorite thing.  ;D



:)>>>  I am a stupid beytch.


If I were faggier, I'd nominate myself to be the official sassy gay friend of vegweb.


As a Bisexual / myself altogether, I don't personally take much offense from "gay" and "fag" slang but I'm more sensitive to and disproving of its use out of consideration to others?  Maybe because I don't really self-identify with the word homosexual very much to begin with.  A gay friend of mine, who I've known my whole life, is definitely not okay with this kind of language.

I'm the exact same way.. I'm bisexual and don't really take offense when people use gay as a slang word. However my girlfriend who is lesbian hates it. One word I can't stand for some reason is "fag." I've always gotten so offended over it. "/


i'll be your friend secondbase.

i was gonna post this clip to make a point. 
but i think i'll just post it.

i'm the nicest guy in the world.  but i think this shit is funny.




Like I just said on another thread:

The world is headed for an underpopulation crisis.  Modern, secular, urbanized cultures presently cut their population in half with each generation (i.e. average ~1 child per woman).  There is no way to have a healthy growing economy with an aging and shrinking population!  So, ethically speaking, people who can afford it should really try to have more children whenever they possibly can.

Although it is possible for "gay people" to have children, the vast majority of them don't.  In the meantime, heterosexual people have to do all the hard work of suppressing their sexual urges (everyone is naturally polyamorous and bisexual), building a committed relationship, birthing children, waking up in the middle of the night, changing diapers, parenting, staying together for the sake of the children, saving for college tuition, etc, etc, etc.  Gay people are demographic parasites, and some amount of resentment is natural - and it should only increase as the devastating economic consequences of declining population become more apparent to the ignorant.



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