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Vegans who smoke.

What is your opinion on vegans who smoke? I'm talking about vegans who knowingly smoke cigarette brands tested on animals. I have a "vegan" friend who tells me she "just doesn't think about it". I know of plenty of supposed vegans around where I live who inhale Marlboro's as if their life depends on it and I just don't get it.

The federal government spends millions each year to run tests on animals to prove that smoking is seriously unhealthy to smokers and everyone around them.  So, no cigarette can truly be vegan. The more people smoke, get sick and die, the more pressure there is to come out with more studies to counter powerful tobacco lobbies and persuade people to stop smoking.
A tactic that they seriously need to stop using. Not only is it excessively cruel to test on animals like this, it's pointless. Yes, we know smoking is bad for us. Who doesn't know this? We don't need any further tests to demonstrate this. We already know. Point well taken. Stop telling us!

So if it is the government running tests, I don't know if it is fair to say any tobacco is non-vegan, but more the government.  What about animal tests the government would mandate for things like Tylenol or Aspirin?  The FDA has mandated tests for pretty much every drug which is developed, but we don't seem to see the same amount of opposition.  Plus, those drugs which are developed and tested on animals are usually chemical derivatives, tobacco is something which has been naturally grown and used for thousands of years before there was testing. All of which I agree with. I don't understand why, with all the opposistion tobacco's been given, why they continue to allow the use of the 500+ chemical additives. It seems like the vast amount of testing has been done on commerical tobacco, not the natural kind. Surely inhaling any smoke is not likely to be wholesome, but toxic chemicals can't help at all. The chemicals on their own are probably more carcinogenic than the smoke. 

I am not trying to stand up for the tobacco industry.  I have smoked light amounts in the past, and only the loose organic american spirits.  I don't think it is appropriate to put a blanket ban on an herb due to a government's chosen testing.  Tobacco has a long and deep spiritual history, and the herb has been perverted and mismanaged in the past few centuries, but that doesn't mean the plant and its proper uses are wrong. I don't agree with banning smoking either. I think we need to get rid of the chemicals being added to tobacco, and find better ways of encouraging people to feel good about themselves and making healthier choices than attempting to force it upon them. Surely that tactic has failed to work in the epic Drug War.


I am a super new vegan and I smoke, have been on and off between the ages of 13 and 18, then fully on since. I have tried to quit cold turkey and i have a horrible time with detoxing from anything i guess, got a fever of 104 and super achey sick. my friends dragged me out of the house into the snow and forced me to have a ciggy... fever started to go down after that. then i tried the patches, and it upped the amount of nicotine that my body was addicted to. i dont' smoke too much between 5-10 a day, depending on the day. i really do want to quit someday, and given the amount of stress i am under at the moment i am not game to add a crazy detox on top of it. when things slow down i will try again. it is a tough mental addiction, even those horrible ads they had against smoking where kids would smoke and turn horrible looking would make me with out thinking grab a ciggy and light it up while saying "man that is disgusting."  I WILL defeat this habbit someday.

This is also the same as people who drink alcohol without knowing if its vegan- especially wine. Many just think it must be vegan if it is organic maybe or from a small company but its not. 

this makes me curious, I live in the heart of the wine country in my state. (people from all over the world come to taste) I will have to ask some of my local wine makers if they are vegan or not.. what would make wine not vegan to begin with? I drive past grapes, and they are not using animals to hold them up, or pick them, or squish them... then you ad water and yeast to the squished grapes, put them in oak barrels.. let them sit, then put it in glass and enjoy (or not enjoy). could you please ellaborate? :)


this makes me curious, I live in the heart of the wine country in my state. (people from all over the world come to taste) I will have to ask some of my local wine makers if they are vegan or not.. what would make wine not vegan to begin with? I drive past grapes, and they are not using animals to hold them up, or pick them, or squish them... then you ad water and yeast to the squished grapes, put them in oak barrels.. let them sit, then put it in glass and enjoy (or not enjoy). could you please ellaborate? :)

Alcohol can be refined using eggs and other ingredients, like fish bladder.


i understand that, but i know that my local wino makers aren't going to these extremes. I know that it is a semi common practice in some bigger breweries (i sell micros for a living). 

I am just curious if anyone knows the process in which wine becomes a non vegan product.


i understand that, but i know that my local wino makers aren't going to these extremes. I know that it is a semi common practice in some bigger breweries (i sell micros for a living). 

I am just curious if anyone knows the process in which wine becomes a non vegan product.

You've lost me now. Sorry. I thought I just answered that? :) Sounds like your local vino is probably vegan. But the only way I can think of wine becoming non-vegan is if it's processed with something that's not, like eggs.


i understand the fish bladder and how that works in the brewing proccess.. i just don't understand how eggs would ever be benificial to wine making coming from a non-vegan thinking even. i don't see how this would even be involved or what it would enhance/preserve... i honestly haven't ever heard of eggs being involved with any brewing process... just was hoping for a "eggs are used at "this" point in the proccess and are typically used to ________ the wine"

oh well.... i just drink locally b/c i know they are not trying to preserve things for the masses or for long periods of time (unless there is a delicious bourbon barrell aged stout) and wine is ment to be stored for long periods as is... :)


Check out really good resource, & you might could add to the knowledge bank after talking to your local winos. (er, wait, that doesn't sound right... o well!)

This is something that really cheesed me off (pun intended!) when I found out about it... WHY must i specify 'vegan wine'??!! WTF are you people doing with a fish bladder, or eggs, near my perfectly nice cruelty-free fermented grape juice?? STEP AWAY from the grape juice, and no one gets hurt!! haha, just a little fantasy; I'm nonviolent really...

This is right up there with boiled hooves & tendons in candy (gelatin), and milk in f***ing potato chips.... gggrrrrrr!!!


i smoke too... on occasion... usually when drinking... i still consider myself vegan


i understand the fish bladder and how that works in the brewing proccess.. i just don't understand how eggs would ever be benificial to wine making coming from a non-vegan thinking even. i don't see how this would even be involved or what it would enhance/preserve... i honestly haven't ever heard of eggs being involved with any brewing process... just was hoping for a "eggs are used at "this" point in the proccess and are typically used to ________ the wine"

oh well.... i just drink locally b/c i know they are not trying to preserve things for the masses or for long periods of time (unless there is a delicious bourbon barrell aged stout) and wine is ment to be stored for long periods as is... :)

I see what you're getting at now  :> Check out Barnivore like HC said. They might be more specific. I can't remember off the top of my head exactly how it works and all.


Thank you hc for the resource! I have been semi searching around for one on beer for a while now, and haven't ever stumbled upon this one. (for the beer benifit of course, and my FAVORITE brewery is vegan!! yay!)


Yep, Revvie smokes.  But I have been rolling my own for the last 4 years, and since I am allergic to eggs I have had to be very careful about the tobacco I use.  Currently, I make my smokes with a pipe tobacco.


i understand the fish bladder and how that works in the brewing proccess.. i just don't understand how eggs would ever be benificial to wine making coming from a non-vegan thinking even. i don't see how this would even be involved or what it would enhance/preserve... i honestly haven't ever heard of eggs being involved with any brewing process... just was hoping for a "eggs are used at "this" point in the proccess and are typically used to ________ the wine"

oh well.... i just drink locally b/c i know they are not trying to preserve things for the masses or for long periods of time (unless there is a delicious bourbon barrell aged stout) and wine is ment to be stored for long periods as is... :)

I believe they use it to clarify the finished product. Like sometimes they come out cloudy/murky, which makes it less desirable to consumers, I guess.


makes a bit of sence, but there are so many other clarifying agents out there, like irish moss...  hmmm i will have to research


Clearly, whatever benefit they're after, it can be done other ways... so just DO it those other ways, please & thankyou!!! like sugar: if you don't need the animal junk, to make my consumables, the hell i AM gonna pay you to go out of your way to put that stuff in there! annoying, at best...


makes a bit of sence, but there are so many other clarifying agents out there, like irish moss...  hmmm i will have to research

This is exactly how entrenched the animal (s)industry is in our everyday lives. There may be better products to do the job but the Irish Moss workers will never be as organized and available as the animal flesh business. They have all these animal parts - bladders, bones, hooves, etc. - laying around and they have to think of ways to sell it rather than paying to trash it. Hmmm, let's make people think they need it in their food, yeah, that's the ticket!

And just so I'm not too off-topic :)  How much more research is needed to tell people that smoking is bad? Really, stop beating a dead ...  mmm, nvm.



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