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Veg-friendly colleges?

Can you recommend any colleges for vegetarian and vegan students?

I'm trying to help a reporter looking for schools that go beyond offering a salad bar. Whether
it's a special dining hall facility, a school program or class, or anything else vegetarian-friendly, or if there is something unique a college is doing ...

Thank you for your help.

I don't know how unique it is, but the dining hall at the Claremont colleges ( has a section/island thingy of just vegan stuff. Everything is labeled too, and the selection has been good every time I've gone.


I don't know how unique it is, but the dining hall at the Claremont colleges ( has a section/island thingy of just vegan stuff. Everything is labeled too, and the selection has been good every time I've gone.

Thank you!


peta2 has a contest on best vegan friendly colleges, you can check that out!


SoCal only, or beyond?

UC Davis has (decent?) vegan options, although I was only there for a few days for a conference.

Humboldt State University has vegan options - like Tofurkey and vegan cheese at the sandwich bar.  I never ate at the J while I was in school there, though.


Who knew?

(It's kind of funny that it's a PETA site, but they're looking at vegan options rather than just vegetarian options.)


A few years ago, my son looked at going to Portland State.  I noticed several vegetarian options in every eating area (I confess I was not even thinking vegan at the time)  There are restaurants lineing the streets around campus and I know several cater to vegans.


This is for veg-friendly colleges in the U.S. and internationally.

Thank you for weighing in with all your veg-friendly college recommendations, and that great PETA info. Very helpful!

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