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Couch to 5K

I know a few of us are currently doing this, and some have done it before.
I started it a few weeks ago just to get back into regularly doing SOMETHING. I have done some running off and on for years, but I want to be indefinitely consistent with it. The first few weeks were really easy, but I liked the gradual beginning, and seeing some progression. It stresses to not do more, so I stuck with that.  I'm currently on week 4, day 3. There is a bit of a jump from W3 to W4, but I'm still good. The last running "program" I did increased a mile a week, basically..and that got old fast. I'm hoping this way, I can stick with it! I'm still looking forward to runs, and I have seen some more tone in my legs. I also like running based on a set time, because I tend to get too caught up in how fast (SLOW) I'm going, and trying to go faster makes me not run as long.

I did W5D3 the other day... whew. It's quite a difference running a full 20 minutes than doing it in parts, but it went fine.

With the fivefingers, I run full-foot and front-foot on and off. I want to do all front-foot, but my calves get sooo tired. Eh, whatever


I finished off week four over the weekend

I'm still really liking it but also concerned about the full 20 minute run coming up in week five...  hoping it goes well, or my confidence is f*cked.


I did W6D1 today, which was actually harder than that 20 minute stretch last week for some reason. I think it's just the anticipation of finishing soon that makes it seem agonizingly long. If I know I'll be running for 20-30 minutes, it's easier to zone out completely.


I'm still really liking it but also concerned about the full 20 minute run coming up in week five...  hoping it goes well, or my confidence is f*cked.

There are good days and bad days with running.  Sometimes you can just be 'off'.  For example, I was training for a 1/2 marathon (21.08 km).... I went out for a 10 mile (16.09km) and wanted to die.  It took forever and I had to take many walk breaks.  That was my longest run in my training plan and I figured if I did do bad on that, then going the full distance it was going to be worse.  I did another 10 miler (16.09km) a week later and did better.  Don't let one (possible) bad day get you down. :)


cheers : )  I can't even imagine being able to run 16 or 21km.  Seriously, I'm really bad at this.  But when I actually get to the third day of week 5 , I'm ok with failing, I'll just give it another go.




I did W6D1 today, which was actually harder than that 20 minute stretch last week for some reason. I think it's just the anticipation of finishing soon that makes it seem agonizingly long. If I know I'll be running for 20-30 minutes, it's easier to zone out completely.

That's what happened to me! I ended up repeating that week... but then my legs were hurting so much I've taken a break since finishing that. bleh. i can barely walk when i get up in the morning.


im starting again today. woohooo!




I did W6D3 yesterday, sort of. I wound up taking a 2.5 minute walk break 5 minutes before the end. I did finish those 5 minutes of running after though... so a total of 2.25 miles, but not all at once. It went ok. I just had to take a break because of the breathing =/ But it felt really good to be able to get that much done, even if in parts! I'm more confident now that I'll be able to get up to that 3mi mark after a couple more weeks.
Also, I've gotten a little bit better with the forefoot running. My calves aren't cramping up as much as before. I think wearing the fivefinger shoes throughout the day (walking, etc) helped rather than switching to them right before the run. Also, now my calves are lookin all muscley ^^


I knocked off week five day one and two over the weekend, and they went really well so I'm feeling pretty good about the 20 minute run for day three.
especially because I actually did 20 minutes of running on Saturday , and didn't feel like I needed to stop because I was tired or anything, just because that's what the time said I had to do...
will have to see how that actually plays out when I'm not allowed a walk break though... haha : /


so after a weekend of being sick, and a weekend out of town , I've finally started week six this morning.  Still liking it, still feeling good when I'm done but also really looking forward to being done with the programme and just going for a jog/run a few times a week rather than clock watching to see when to walk and when to run etc.
Also, I saw piggies and a v.cute long eared goat, therefore, today is a good day : )


Can I join you??

I was the girl in highschool who NEVER ran the runs... NEVER... I'd just give the PE teacher the evil eye as she was yelling at us straglers and she'd move on. But,  I was inspired by you gals (and feeling a bit pudgy)... so I download some podcasts... bought myself some runners... and I'm now I'm on W4R2... I'm really liking it but have hit a bit of a road block.. my lungs are catching up but my knees and ankles are killing me.  I've googled that it could be unbalance leg muscles or the wrong shoes (I bought trail runners, but haven't had enough stamina to go off pavement yet). I'm afraid of doing permentant damage to my knees. Any words of wisdom? -- K


lol, K2, I was that girl in HS, too!  I'd just stroll around the track while most others took off running...

Just found this thread, and pretty excited to find it!  I just started running at the end of April, and today completed W4D3.  I was pleasantly surprised to find I don't think I need to repeat week 4, which I've seen a lot of people on other sites I use doing--starting week 5 on Tuesday!  I've signed up for a 5k in October, and hope to run the whole thing, but not setting any time goals.  I'll just be happy to finish!


anyone else still going?

I'm curious about what other people are doing with their running-past the end of couch to 5K. I've been a little off since vacation, but I'm stuck at 3-4 miles in this heat/humidity. I'm not complaining, though.


I'm just going twice a week Saturday and Sunday mornings at the mo, for ~5km, which is still taking me 30 minutes.
I'm aiming to work on getting a bit faster, then increase the distance.
Also, once the weather starts getting better/days start getting longer, I'll hopefully be able to go 3-4 times a week rather than just on the weekend.

: )


I stopped doing this because my shins and ankles couldn't take it. Today I tried to start running again. It's been 100 F/38 C. I do not do well in the heat so it was kind of dumb of me to even try. I was about walking/running for about 25 min total and felt like I was going to throw up. I've been drinking water all day, too. I need to figure out what I can do to get some exercise that won't make me feel like dying.


I've started a 10K plan in an effort to switch up my running. It actually doesn't look too challenging, but I like having a plan to follow.

It's here, if anyone is interested:

alg, if you ever get the chance, you should try vibrams for your shin/ankle stuff. I would suggest barefooting, but that's not feasible for hot weather!


AC, that's awesome you're going for the 10k. I hope I'll get there someday! I wear jingas, actually, which I thought would help but seemed to possibly make the problem worse. They're super barefoot-like and I love them but yeah, not helping my legs. I tried on vibrams and they felt pretty cool but decided to go with the jingas because they don't force your toes to spread out. and they're cheaper and help kids in brazil!


i'm running 2 miles at a time now. I wanted to get back up to 3, but... no motivation. At first the work up to 5k was kind of rough on my feet, but it's fine now. Well, other than the fact that I'm not doing 5k =/



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