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Vegan baby going to daycare soon

What should I start doing to prepare the daycare that my daughter will be going to in August. I have already toured there and the people seem really nice. The price of the daycare includes food and drink. We went during snack time and they were eating cookies and drinking juice. Should I start talking to them now about what she is to eat. I will bring her own food and water. The woman in charge said that they sometimes go on field trips to the park and stop at McDonald's on the way back. She is NOT to eat McDonald's. I guess on those days she would have to have a packed meal. Am I making her into an outcast already if she is eating differently that the other children.?

we've just been starting the whole birthday party thing and my daughter is only almost 2 so I still go with so it makes it easier, anyways I make her a piece of cake and bring it with.  Also once I had a friend get her a box of cookies(vegan,) and the other 2 parties one had a baker make her personal vegan cupcakes, and another got her a vegan brownie from the co-op.  They are all great, I'm sure it won't always be so easy


I have a friend who sends here daughter to daycare with her own vegan cupcake on party days.  As long as the kids don't feel deprived and have an alternative, I think they'll do fine.  Otherwise they'll do like the poster above and be a clostest cake junkie.  LOL  A good relationship with the day care is essential as well, so they understand where she's coming from.

But why I'm really on this this thread is that I have never seen nori strips anywhere in a HFS and I want some.  The Asian store has some though and I love them. 


But why I'm really on this this thread is that I have never seen nori strips anywhere in a HFS and I want some.  The Asian store has some though and I love them. 

I find them in the "asian" section, but only at Whole Foods


But why I'm really on this this thread is that I have never seen nori strips anywhere in a HFS and I want some.  The Asian store has some though and I love them. 

I find them in the "asian" section, but only at Whole Foods

Same, I just had to go back up and re-buy some, first time I forgot to check the date on em and they were alot :( Going to try the sweet ones with Raigen, hopefully she likes em!


I am really glad to read this as I am having a similar situation.  My problem is that I simply don't have enough time to pack him lunch sometimes, but most days I do.  My son does get meat every once in awhile but I don't like him to, but I don't want him to starve because I didn't have time to cook and prepare something that particular day (which isn't often, like maybe once every two weeks at the most, today for example is one of them).  He eats a LOT and the daycare is pretty good with fruits and veggies.  He doesn't like meat anyway and usually doesn't eat it, or much of it when they do give it to him, he eats the bread or whatever else there is instead.  But the daycare said that once he turns 18 months old I will  not be allowed to pack his lunch anymore, he will have to eat the daycare food.  I am really worried about this.  I don't want him eating "hamburgers" and "mac n cheese w/ diced ham" or "turkey sandwiches" everyday.  It isn't healthy!  I want him eating tofu, beans, lentils, the stuff I make for him instead.  I am really ticked.  In six months I will have to figure out what to do, either switch daycares, or do something.  I don't like him eating meat!


But the daycare said that once he turns 18 months old I will  not be allowed to pack his lunch anymore, he will have to eat the daycare food.  I am really worried about this.  I don't want him eating "hamburgers" and "mac n cheese w/ diced ham" or "turkey sandwiches" everyday.

No.  Then you just tell them no.  YOU are paying THEM to take care of your child, and he will eat what you say he will eat.  Or else take your business elsewhere.  That is unacceptable.  They cannot force your child to eat anything--you are their customer.

You might want to reconsider your lunch ideas if it's taking that long to pack and prepare.  Your son's food should be a priority--especially since you want him to have good eating habits.  There is a good blog--I think it's called Vegan Lunch Box?


I second KMK...You are paying them....ALOT of money and regardless it is your child and if you want to pack your child a lunch you should!!!


But, they can't not feed your kid. So if you don't want him eating their food, you have to provide your own. It does take a bit of time to pack lunches and snacks, and sometimes I'm running late, so I sympathize with you. Maybe try setting aside 15-20 min. before you go to bed to pack it the night before. 

As far as when he gets older, is it headstart? They're gov. run and are required to feed the kids breakfast and lunch, in which case you should talk to someone about it. I know that WIC recently expanded it's items, perhaps that kind of openness has moved over to headstart as well. I mean, what would they do if it were a religious or allergy thing?


They did fruit-loops and we did a fun kids cereal also, granted someone needs to please come up with a vegan fruit loop cereal please!

Have you see Annie's Homegrown Fruity Bunnies? I also saw vegan gummy bunnies on the site.



But the daycare said that once he turns 18 months old I will  not be allowed to pack his lunch anymore, he will have to eat the daycare food.  I am really worried about this.  I don't want him eating "hamburgers" and "mac n cheese w/ diced ham" or "turkey sandwiches" everyday.

No.  Then you just tell them no.  YOU are paying THEM to take care of your child, and he will eat what you say he will eat.  Or else take your business elsewhere.  That is unacceptable.  They cannot force your child to eat anything--you are their customer.

You might want to reconsider your lunch ideas if it's taking that long to pack and prepare.  Your son's food should be a priority--especially since you want him to have good eating habits.  There is a good blog--I think it's called Vegan Lunch Box?

Some places are subsidized by the govt and they HAVE to feed your kid the provided lunch.
We ran into this when looking at daycares for Noah. Your only option may be to switch daycares.  I was shocked too!


FOF, I wanted to chime in and tell you that I was just dealing with my 3rd grader being rewarded in school with candy.
They would get a piece if they performed well on something, which I think is totally wrong for so many reasons. He said there were some kids who had never had a piece yet (what is this doing to their self esteem?).
I did tell the teacher I didn't want him to have candy, and she just wrote, OK back on my note. I had emailed her explaining the many reasons, but never heard back.
Then we was feeling bad because he wasn't getting anything even though he was performing well. UGGGGHHHHH. So I told him he could accept the candy, but bring it home and we would collect it and trade it in for something later (which I didnt' really want to do either, but......)

Then I kept telling other parents about this and a lot of them agreed with me (and some did not). Someone else complained to the principal (I guess A TON of teachers were doing it) and he was appalled! He said he didn't know it was going on. I was hesitant to talk to him because I figured he had his own jar of candy and would think I was a PITA.
So then Noah came home and said she was no longer giving out candy! Victory!

Just a might try talking to her first about your concerns, and if you get no where, talk to the principal.

The last school I taught at had policies in the county about NOT rewarding with food (part of the wellness program). Somehow my school still had popcorn parties, etc...for fundraisers though.

Its a tough battle to fight, being the minority and all, but worth it, I think.


FOF, I wanted to chime in and tell you that I was just dealing with my 3rd grader being rewarded in school with candy.
They would get a piece if they performed well on something, which I think is totally wrong for so many reasons. He said there were some kids who had never had a piece yet (what is this doing to their self esteem?).
I did tell the teacher I didn't want him to have candy, and she just wrote, OK back on my note. I had emailed her explaining the many reasons, but never heard back.
Then we was feeling bad because he wasn't getting anything even though he was performing well. UGGGGHHHHH. So I told him he could accept the candy, but bring it home and we would collect it and trade it in for something later (which I didnt' really want to do either, but......)

Then I kept telling other parents about this and a lot of them agreed with me (and some did not). Someone else complained to the principal (I guess A TON of teachers were doing it) and he was appalled! He said he didn't know it was going on. I was hesitant to talk to him because I figured he had his own jar of candy and would think I was a PITA.
So then Noah came home and said she was no longer giving out candy! Victory!

Just a might try talking to her first about your concerns, and if you get no where, talk to the principal.

The last school I taught at had policies in the county about NOT rewarding with food (part of the wellness program). Somehow my school still had popcorn parties, etc...for fundraisers though.

Its a tough battle to fight, being the minority and all, but worth it, I think.

Glad (and sad!) you've been there and now have made it to the other side!
Ugh yes, I have no idea why some people think these things are okay, then I have to remind myself that they simply aren't, they can't be!
I hate the whole situation, I know exactly how it will end if these kids are rewarded this way, ugh.
Even my own little girly was frantic trying to make sure she knew all of her sight words because she "Wants the crabby patty!" which isn't vegan!!!!
I could not believe it, you want to advance because of food, my own personal nightmare.
I turned it around though, she got only two words wrong, got the stinking crabby patty, which was placed in her folder for me, the bad guy, to deal with.
Well, she knew it wasn't vegan and I think it finally hit her once she had it in her hands, so she took it out, seperated it into 4 pieces and gave it to the 4 children that were left in class. Awesome.
I made sure she got lots of love and kisses and praises for doing such a good deed, making sure she really got to feel how good it was.
She then turns to me and says "I didn't really want it any way."
While that is a big step and great, I still hate that my daughter has to go through it.
They told me that on the same day that she had a hard time at snack time, well this entire month (September, gosh where did October come from all of a sudden!?) they have messed up on the snack schedule!
I asked them to please list the snacks so I can match them, that way there Raigen isn't having the complete opposite of everyone.
Well this month has been complete hell, they haven't served one single thing on the day they said they would, not either snack time!
So what happens? I send Raigen to school on Friday with her two snacks for the day, the first being grapefruit and pineapple (lighter since lunch is soon after) and the 2nd/last snack is yogurt and a granola bar, what do the other kids get for the second snack?
Ice cream.......
Are you kidding me? I felt set up for the huge fail that was that moment.
I felt horrible because there I was sitting at home 3 miles away with vegan ice-cream in the freezer! I would of course driven up there with her serving for crying out loud. But no.
Raigen keeps saying she got really sad because she missed me, but I also think she felt uncomfortable and maybe slighted and just wanted out of the situation, kills me.
So yea, I have to do something, I feel like she is getting crap from all sides. They mean well, I know they do, this is just as hard on them in some ways as it is me, but come on.
When they agreed that they thought she may of wanted ice-cream they said "We had a serving for her if she wanted it"
Um no, no you don't.
Raigen did say they offered her some and that she said no thanks.
I think they misunderstood what I meant when I said "I let some things slide"
I let some things slide, like a piece of sweet here and there and what not, not steak and eggs.

I was actually asked by her principle if I would like to be a substitute there (random!) and I actually am really interested, for one just to be active in her school and with the people who are making memories with her, and two, so I can try getting on the other side and righting some things that need it.

Thanks so much for your post, sorry it took so long to get back to you.
I will keep you in mind, god help us and lets hope this month is better then the last.


When Noah (8) was in pre-school, I kept a stash of stuff in their fridge. Icecream, yogurt, special treats-anything appropriate. That way if he couldn't have their snack, the back ups were already there. I had the snack list and just circled what he could have and what he could not, and it was posted on the wall. Their schedule rarely matched the day's snack either! :)
For him it was not important to match....just as long as he had something. In the case of icecream, yes I can see that.
Our conversations about the day would be funny. I would ask what the kids had for snack, and he would say "goldfish" or whatever, and then he would tell me what he had.
I found out later from another mom that their conversations were similar- "what did you have for snack?" "we had goldfish, and noah had crackers". it was just part of the day and no one really saw it as weird-I don't think?
Last year in his 2nd grade class I left some packages of vegan gummy bears there for him so that when kids brought in those chemical cupcakes, he would have them. He didn't mind at all and never complained. I just made sure not to run out!

I should add that when we go to parties I let him have the regular cake. I just try not make a big deal about it. We don't really talk about it even. I've said before that I would rather have him be vegan 99 percent of the time, than lose him completely over cake at a bday party (which I have seen happen) Parents who are too militant lose the battle. Hopefully when he is older he will be fine passing on the cake, but he's 8.  It has worked for us so far and he has never complained about being vegetarian once in 8 years.  ;)b



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