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NVR - What are you reading right now? (Fiction or non-fiction)

I'm reading 'Raising Vegan Children in a Non-vegan World' by Erin Pavlina.
I'm curious what everyone else has their nose in at the moment!  :)

i might get shot down for saying this, but i wasn't all that impressed with dave eggers' 'heart-breaking work.'  it was a tad too self-indulgent, from what i remember.  i read his 'you shall know our velocity' and fell in love with the concept more than the execution.  i don't know - i WANT to like him really hard, i just keep thinking he's overrated.  oh well.

currently reading 'you suck' by christopher moore.  totally easy, quick, a little funny, nothing brain-tasking.  just what i've been in the mood for lately.


Currently on page 3 of

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - by Haruki Murakami

I bought it for a recent long distance trip but have been a little too preoccupied to read past page 3.

that 'you suck' book sounds like something worth checking out. :P


i might get shot down for saying this, but i wasn't all that impressed with dave eggers' 'heart-breaking work.

:-D just kidding


Currently on page 3 of

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle - by Haruki Murakami

I bought it for a recent long distance trip but have been a little too preoccupied to read past page 3.

that 'you suck' book sounds like something worth checking out. :P

i've got 'wind-up bird' on my to-read list.  let me know how you think it goes.

i finished 'you suck' yesterday, and was a tad disappointed in the ending - but i didn't really care.  it was more about enjoying the read/ride, which seems to be the case with christopher moore books (this was my 3rd).  'you suck' is sort of a follow-up to 'bloodsucking fiends,' fyi.

and thank you, jessesmum  :) :D

i can't believe i'm admitting this, but i cracked open 'twilight' last night.  i didn't get too far before i was too sleepy to go on, so we'll see how it goes...i want to see what all the hullabaloo is about, but i don't know if it will be too eye-roll-inducing for me.  it already happened once, when she's talking about how she 'never looked a free truck in the mouth - or the engine, for that matter. ' i'm paraphrasing there, but, um, eek.  i do not like that sentence...meh.  i'm still giving it a shot.


i got five pages into twilight and never picked it back up.  i just don't have time for pedantic, monotonous narrative. 

that said, how i wish i could write a crap novel series that the population loves and become a millionaire.

jessesmum -  :-D


I'm re-reading the Harry Potter books again... We went and saw the new movie and that always makes me want to read the books again.  :)>>>


i got five pages into twilight and never picked it back up.  i just don't have time for pedantic, monotonous narrative. 

that said, how i wish i could write a crap novel series that the population loves and become a millionaire.

jessesmum -  :-D

I have no access to either HP or Twilight, thank goodness, but I am having the same problem with Dan Browne's "Deception Point." Yawn!! The only book I've ever read that was such tough sledding was "The Chronicles of Tomas Covenant the Unbeliever" which read like he'd kept a thesaurus open on the desk in front of him. (I developed a fine and private hatred for the word "encarnadined.")

Deception Point also reads like it was rushed to press. Where the hell was the proofreader?? "Indignity" and "indignation" are NOT synonyms, dude. And there are several teeth-gritting errors of that sort.

But, dream would be to write one or two books that would assure me a wealthy old age...dream on.... ;D


Odd Hours by Dean Koontz


I am having the same problem with Dan Browne's "Deception Point." Yawn!!

I had the same problem with that one!  I really liked Angels and Demons and DaVinci Code, but I couldn't get past the first part of Deception Point... it's been sitting on a shelf, unread for like two years now. 


Awesome thread! i'm on the last book of Stephen King's Dark Tower series and i have to say, ITS AMAZING!!!!! i LOVE this series and i've never read any of Stephen King's books. i would recommend this to EVERYONE!


yabbit and moonkey:  i, too, would like to pen something that would guarantee a lifetime of travel and ease for me and mine, and that's pretty much my motivation to read 'twilight.'  i am looking for the secret to pop-novel success!

however, i'm not gonna put up with it any longer than i can stand it, so it's getting it's second and final chance this weekend.  i love how you put it, moonkey:

i just don't have time for pedantic, monotonous narrative. 

so, if i think it sucks even harder past my current page 20 progress, i might pick up 'eat, pray, love.'  been recommended to me a bunch of times and folks seem to like that one, too.  the other option is 'kafka on the shore' by haruki murakami (<-- yep, 'wind-up bird' guy.)  my bf read this recently and couldn't put it down.  it would be my 1st murakami book.

i LOVE reading!! 


At least I don't feel so alone about Deception Point. I was always taught "you have to get the reader's attention and then hold it." Well he lost me and the book has hardly started.

Grisham gets me a bit, it's always the little guy/gal who is way smarter than the FBI and Mafia hitmen. Total newbie on the run hoodwinks all the bad guys. Oh, yeah, that's gonna work. I realise it's fiction, but still.  ::)


The Last Templar by Raymond Khoury... I'm almost finished with it, and kind of disappointed. I thought it was going to be more entertaining.


Awesome thread! i'm on the last book of Stephen King's Dark Tower series and i have to say, ITS AMAZING!!!!! i LOVE this series and i've never read any of Stephen King's books. i would recommend this to EVERYONE!

Oh my gosh I so agree!  That series is one of my all-time favorites!  1-5 are awesome, 6 is kinda so-so, and 7 was really good.  I've re-read 1-4 I don't know how many times.  And the graphic novel version is REALLY cool.  =)


I just finished The Perks of being a wallflower.
One of my most favorite books now.

Now I'm reading:
The Feminine Mystique - Betty Friedan
LOTR Two Towers
and a few others.
I read a lot during the summer, because I have the time :D


I have no access to either HP or Twilight, thank goodness

If you ever get a chance, give HP a chance.  JK Rowling is a storyteller; whereas, Stephanie Meyer is a hack.  It's not high literature or anything, but it's engaging.


AC I forgot to say - I finished the Brothers K the other week.  Excellent book.  Really really good.  Thanks for recommending it (although I think you recommended it to someone else, but I stole the recommendation!)


I'm still on something like page 20 of The Brothers K (after having borrowed the rec, too).  I will attempt to recommit myself.


Excellent! It's all thanks to pp, who recommended it to me. I just bought another one of DJD's books for the SF trip.  :)



beyond the bible i've been working my way through and the national geographic magazines i have stationed throughout the house, i'm not reading anything new.

is anybody else reading anything?



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