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Re: McLibel

We rented the documentary, McLibel, from Netflix and finally watched it the night before last. It's the story of two British activists who were sued for libel by McDonald's after refusing to apologize for their involvement in a grassroots campaign against the company. They defended themselves with very little help during the ridiculously long trial.

This is semi-vegan related because the pamphlet that they were sued for talked about the animal abuses that take place on the "farms" of fast food suppliers--and it also promoted a vegan diet!

I just wanted to recommend it to anyone who is interested.

I've heard of this! I really, really want to see it...I already know the ending, so I won't give that away--but I know their story is AWESOME!

Cool, thanks!  I put it on my list.  Just finished watching "Supesize Me."  Loved it! 


Cool, thanks!  I put it on my list.  Just finished watching "Supesize Me."  Loved it! 

I love Supersize Me! If you haven't seen it, the first episode of Morgan Spurlock's series, 30 Days, is really great. He and his girlfriend live off of minimum wage salaries for 30 days. Some of the other episodes of the series are good, too, but that's the one I remember finding really interesting. I need to rent the second season.

I hadn't heard of 30 Days yet, so thanks for the recommendation!  I was pretty impressed with Morgan Spurlock (and his girlfriend) and was going to look into what else he has done.   Too bad he didn't/won't stay vegan!   


Cool, thanks!  I put it on my list.  Just finished watching "Supesize Me."  Loved it! 

I love Supersize Me! If you haven't seen it, the first episode of Morgan Spurlock's series, 30 Days, is really great. He and his girlfriend live off of minimum wage salaries for 30 days. Some of the other episodes of the series are good, too, but that's the one I remember finding really interesting. I need to rent the second season.

I really like 30 days.  I saw that one about living off minimum wage (scared the minimum wage pants right off me, thanks college!) and I saw another where he went to prison.  What are some of the other ones he's done?  I wasn't able to catch when it was on or whatever, it was a late night early morning tv binge that I caught those two


Cool, thanks!  I put it on my list.  Just finished watching "Supesize Me."  Loved it! 

I love Supersize Me! If you haven't seen it, the first episode of Morgan Spurlock's series, 30 Days, is really great. He and his girlfriend live off of minimum wage salaries for 30 days. Some of the other episodes of the series are good, too, but that's the one I remember finding really interesting. I need to rent the second season.

That episode is GREAT! What makes it so sad is that Ohio is pretty inexpensive to live in (at least to me--Ann Arbor is insanely expensive!), if two people working full time can barely make, what chance does someone have on their own? I'm glad I'm in college too--hopefully no more minimum wage jobs for me either!


Cool, thanks!  I put it on my list.  Just finished watching "Supesize Me."  Loved it! 

I love Supersize Me! If you haven't seen it, the first episode of Morgan Spurlock's series, 30 Days, is really great. He and his girlfriend live off of minimum wage salaries for 30 days. Some of the other episodes of the series are good, too, but that's the one I remember finding really interesting. I need to rent the second season.

That episode is GREAT! What makes it so sad is that Ohio is pretty inexpensive to live in (at least to me--Ann Arbor is insanely expensive!), if two people working full time can barely make, what chance does someone have on their own? I'm glad I'm in college too--hopefully no more minimum wage jobs for me either!

I know! The scariest part to me was that so many people are trying to survive in the same situation with 2 or 3 kids.

I know! and they don't get to just pull back out their credit cards at the end of the month..they're stuck with those bills for real.

I heart me some documentaries. I'm going to bump my mom's flix from netflix right now so I can see McLibel


I have not heard of this documentary...thank you for bringing it to my attention! :)


30 days sounds similar to the book nickle and dimed by some person whose name escapes me. it was pretty good.


nickel and dimed is on my list of to-reads, and Mclibel will now make it to my queue. thanks for the suggestion.

i love 30 days too... when is the new season starting? its one of those shows you always mean to watch, but always miss.
good stuff.


there's one really great episode where two people go to live at an off-the-grid co-op fro a month.  the woman gets really into it, and helps cook vegan community dinners and stuff.  but the guy buys a gun so that he can shoot rabbits to eat.  :o

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