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Member since April 2003

Oatmeal For Mother and Baby

What you need: 

1 serving oatmeal
1 banana
2 tablespoon wheat germ
1/4 frozen blueberries (or more. frozen berries cools it to good temp for baby)
cinnamon to taste (opt)
1/4 teaspoon vanilla (opt)
walnuts or almonds (pre-baby, or very finely chopped after 1 year of age, otherwise omit)

What you do: 

Prepare oatmeal according to instructions. I cook mine on the stove (much better than packets) while I prepare the rest.
Mash the banana in the bowl you will be eating out of (it should be fairly large, this makes a big serving). Add remaining ingredients. Stir.
Eat a spoonful, then give baby a bite. Then take two for you, and give baby one. I ate this throughout my pregnancy and while nursing, and it kept me feeling full for more than 10 minutes (no small feat)! Once the baby started eating solids, she would eat remarkable amounts of this stuff. At 18 months, she still loves it every morning, as do I.

Preparation Time: 
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our baby was eating berries when he was first starting solids - and we had no worries there. frozen blueberries are still one of his favourite things to eat, at almost 2!
thanks for this great recipe.

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