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Food-related weirdness?

I was just wondering if some of y'all out there have oddnesses related to food and how you eat it. For example, in our house the wierdness turns up at breakfast. For some unknown reason, DH always leaves the last inch or so of bread crust on his plate. He eats the rest of it with his toast, but always I find a piece of crust about an inch long on the side of his plate. I think that is the bit that he holds onto the toast by...why he doesn't just pop it in I don't know.
As for me, it's the last sip of coffee that stays in the bottom of the cup. We use the Italian Bialetti coffeemaker (the kind you screw the 2 halves together and put on the stove) and the last bit at the bottom of the cup usually has sediment in it. This carries over to any cup of cofee at all...I never drink that last sip.
I also have an odd habit of taking a cup off the rack and--for some reason--sniffing it. I never even noticedI was doing this till my BGF suddenly yelled, "WHY do you do that!" making me almost drop the cup. Apparently it doesn't matter where I am, my house or someone else's...I pick up the clean cup and sniff it.
Anyone else have some food (or dish) related oddnesses?

I used to blow into glasses or mugs when I got them out of the cabinet (to remove any dust I guess...)
Then I realized I ended up doing it to other people glasses too!! I guess my husband saw me do it one time and was like, "Why did you blow in my cup?"  Anyway, it was disgusting! Somehow I broke myself of it.

I also used to only eat piece-y candies, like M&Ms, in even numbers... if I ended up with an odd number in my hand I put it back in the bag or give it away or toss it... also the two that I'd eat together had to coordinate by color in some way.... haven't had those in years though I think. I'm sure I do it with something else now though.  :D


My boyfriend eats around toast, leaving the centremost bit for last. I know he's sacrificing his favourite piece when he offers me the middle. He also wan't eat the white on oranges or mandarins so I peel it off fo him. He loves grapes and watermelon but can't stand pips or seeds,  we tend to eat them on long drives so I extract and eat the seeds and give him the rest.



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