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I made that!! The official sharing/bragging thread.

We all seem to talk about and (sometimes) post pictures of our creations. Well here I am to call you all out!!  8-)

I want to see what you've cooked, sewn, painted, drawn, written (well, maybe a link to this one, if it is long), what-have-you! Even if you think it is horrible, we (or rather, I) WANT to see it!!

I'll start it off with my first adventure into the art of gluten free baking.

Its not the greatest, by any means, I heavily modified an old betty crocker recipe to the point where I think no one would recognize it.... 3 layer Banana Coconut gluten free vegan pirate ship cake with gluten free vegan banana cream and chocolate banana cream frostings. I still have to work on making the densities more 'uniform'/no breakage or cracking....

Hey everyone! looked through the forums a bit more closely (usually just grab recipes!) and couldn't really find an appropriate forum/thread that this seemed to fit into, so hope this is ok here!   my husband and I just made up a small batch of vegan aprons and t-shirts.  we do band merch for the most part through our small DIY label, but didn't have any luck finding a reasonbly priced durable apron with anything pertaining to veganism on it that we actually liked.

had an idea for a design, paid a talented artist by the name of Nate Burns to illustrate it for us and just printed up a batch of them (35 in total).    printed on Daystar Apparel 28"L x 24"W bib aprons with an adjustable neckstrap.  these are made in the USA, durable and made to be used. printed locally at our friends screenprinting shop.   the shirts are printed using discharge print and are on Gildan heavy cotton 5.3oz shirts.

anyway, we are extremely excited with how well these turned out, and hopefully some others may like them too!  sorry if this is posted out of place, but this seemed the best place we could find!



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