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I need to RANT nvr

sorry I'm poed! >:( >:(

Our lovely neighbours have call the city on us AGAIN! Last time it's because we had too many car parts in our yard and they thought we were running a shop out of our carport (its my hubby's hobby, sorry for having an interest besides golf) now its because *get this* our grass is too long!!! and we have noxious weeds!! and we have "garbage" on our property!! Sorry we aren't retired.  We have to get up every morning to go to WORK.  I work full time, and then have to chase two 3 year olds, am I supposed to ignore them the cut my freaking grass!  My hubby works 18 hour days, he's just started his own business (which the freaking neighbour knows) and doesn't come home till 2 in the morning some days.  Some days I'm SO lonely. We choose not to use chemical pesticides or herbicides cuz my kids like to play outside and we actual care about the environment. One time we're out there in the blazing sun trying to cut out a stump and the neighbour runs out to hush us cuz his daughters visiting and she's taking a nap. And the "garbage" is a couple of old couches, which are ugly, but the city has been on strike and the line up for the transfer station has been up to FOUR hours long. I'll strap the kids in their car seats and get right on that!! The kicker is we can be fined $100/day so now I HAVE to do all this stuff but not because I want to but because my @$$hole neighbour has shaken his finger at me and told me what's proper!  So you know what I'll be doing this weekend...ignoring my kids and pulling dandelions by hand! F^&$ers


Ahhh yes. This happened all through my childhood. And the rotten thing is, there actually WAS legislation on the city books to say that no, you can't let your grass grow longer than about so much. Can you believe that!! If we didn't cut it to suit them, the City employees would show up, cut it and then present my folks with a hefty fine. Apparently, so they said, long grass is "harbouring noxious insects." Do tell.

Ever get the feeling the local police just don't have anything to do?


my family has a neighbor like that. one year my parents brought our popup camper home for a weekend and parked it in the backyard and it had just rained so there was a big rut in our greenbelt behind our house (which by the way this neighbor can NOT see from his house) but my father showed him once, saying he had to go get stuff to fix it, and the neighbor STILL called the town about it and my dad got fined.

he's retired also and just gossips all the time about everyone. i really dislike this guy. but its funny because when he comes over to talk to my parents, my dad just messes with him and tells him all sorts of things to upset him.


I miss living in the country where my closest neighbor was over a mile away :( :(

I'm sorry you are having a bad week, that guy sucks!!!

Is there somewhere you could hide the couches  or put a tarp over them?

You might not need to pull the weeds if you just cut the grass they kinda blend in.  Maybe that would get the guy off you back.

I am actually really lucky to have a great neighbor. This past year my BF has been badly injured and our neighbor would cut our grass at the same time he cut his and if he noticed it was garbage day and I hadn't gotten to it he would bring our cans out to the curb too.

I'll be thinking happy thoughts for you :)  and sending jack@$$ the evil eye mentally >:(


OMG! I could have written this post. i got a letter from the city last week...I'm being cited for having a "junk automobile in backyard" (the car is a 1920s antique) weeds that are too tall (actually I have deliberately grown the weed to keep the dust down, which I was also going to be fined for) and because I currently have a board in my window...(one of my foster puppies jumped through a plate glass window...he was not hurt) AND for having trash in my yard (a couch--that my dog sitter took out of my living room when I was out of state and a I physically cannot bring in myself)

Its bad enough I have to pick up the animals waste on my property two times a day and work 65 hours a week because of this obnoxious shes having me FINED too.....and whats worse....there are so many houses on my street that are 100x worse than mine and nobody is doing anything about them... :-[

I feel your pain!


Thank-you everyone.. I'm still poed but at least I know I'm not the only one with the "wrong" priorities in life.  They keep telling me a green lawn is more important than a full drinking water reservoir and that weeding is more fun than reading to  my kids but I have a hard time switching to the "normal" side. :o

Oh and my husband inquired.. our transfer station (where the city folk take their garbage as opposed to the dump) is closed, except for a few hours, on weekends due to an ongoing labour dispute. So we should be able to argue an extension before they start fining us!


<<<breath breath... we are all healthy... we are all happy... breath breath>>> <-- K^2 working on her mantra!


Thank-you everyone.. I'm still poed but at least I know I'm not the only one with the "wrong" priorities in life.  They keep telling me a green lawn is more important than a full drinking water reservoir and that weeding is more fun than reading to  my kids but I have a hard time switching to the "normal" side. :o

reminds me of the stepford wives...


I got yeld at, at my dorm because I had too many plants in my room  ::).  "It's a fire hazard".  And my roomates' 5 fans plugged into one socket running 24/7 is not?!


I got yeld at, at my dorm because I had too many plants in my room  ::).  "It's a fire hazard".  And my roomates' 5 fans plugged into one socket running 24/7 is not?!

Excuse me? How are plants a "fire hazard?" A dry, dead Christmas tree full of resin and dropping needles, yes, OK...but green plants in pots that are full of damp soil?

I'm confused. But then all of my plants have names...yeah, I know...sooooo 70's.  ;)


I really can't stand neighbors who don't have lives!

Just remember one thing IF you want to do this. Just as they have the right to "complain" you have the same right. Remember IF you want to do it meaning there could  be a full blown war and things could get ugly.

But also sometimes people have to know the feeling how it is for someone to get into their business.




K2 where do you live? It sounds exactly like the neighbor we had at our old house. I am wondering if you are living in my old house.  :)  His name is Harvey!  He was such a Harvey.
WE HATED him and still talk about him. We got lots of letters too and it was because he kept turning us in, but when he would talk to us he would act like he was on our side. We never had a complaint until he moved in! Thank goodness we moved.  :(


id say turn their games against them

start looking up rediculous neighborhood codes and see if you can report the neighbors for them, also playing annoyuing music might help..not even loud, just contatantly during daytime

dont let the bullies win


id say turn their games against them

start looking up rediculous neighborhood codes and see if you can report the neighbors for them, also playing annoyuing music might help..not even loud, just contatantly during daytime

dont let the bullies win

Lol....I'd do the constant but not loud music thing. The tune that ice-cream trucks play can get really annoying but the 100th rotation. Or try "Amazing Grace". That ought to make their heads spin.  ;D

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