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I'm pathetic

Ya, I am going to sound pretty pathetic right about now....  I am looking for more friends on FB, Twitter, Foursquare, and diaspora.  I just don't have that many vegan friends there...  
FB my email is flbeachlover73 at gmail.  My Fb un is: Ezhno Mochni
twitter @jaredthevegan
foursquare jaredthevegan
Diaspora c0c0c0 at joindiaspora
Let me know you saw me here.


Zentropa is one of those films that will blow your mind.  Then you will want to immediately want to watch it again - that is if you like artistic non Americian guy gets the girl in the end and everyone is happy and dancing in the flower meadow type of movie.  Lars Von Trier and Peter Greenaway are gods of film to me.


For a long time I was obsessed with The Cook...

By your movies, I'd say we're about the same age.


I am 38.  Feel about 78 and wish I was 22 again.


I have a year on you.


I don't use any of those meta-sites.  Us UNIX grey-breards have always hated all attempts to make the Internet more accessible to newbies, going back to the first days of Prodigy / CompuServe / AOL.  The more centralized Internet content becomes, the easier it is for governments to control.  Participating in a polycentric mesh of forums such as this, or starting your own, is a much better alternative.


Be careful who you become friends with, you never know who's a cop and who isn't...


Believe me Alex, I have my own blog and other websites and I have tried and tried to get my friends to follow me on my blog and not on lj/myspace/friendster/fb/clownyclownclown or whatever, but in order for me to keep in contact with them, I had to relent and give in.  I even tried to quit fb last year and didn't touch it for 4 months, until one of my friends begged me to come back, so I did for her.  I think most people like to keep their browsing to a few central places and don't like to jump around to multiple sites like the techies did before social networking.  My first ISP was compuserve but I didnt' use it for anything but an ISP.  I just plugged in thier digits in my modem and that was it, no sw install or anything. 



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