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I just scored a....... (a thread about finding great deals!!!)

I  love to brag about how little I paid for something. Like my $2.00 boots, or $14 Tofurkey dinners. This thread is dedicated to all the good deals we find!  8-)

I just scored (2) three pound tubs of Earth Balance for $2.99!

At this gross discount grocery store which hardly has anything vegan, they had these HUGE ASS tubs of EB (commercial size?) for $2.99 each. I did not realize until I got home that she only charged me for one, and NO I did not go back to correct her error! It is sort of far away (now I'm sure karma will bite me in the ass at some point). But jeez.....6 pounds for 3 bucks! I need to take a picture so you can appreciate how large these are. They are bigger than my head.

Anyone else get any good deals lately?

Yes, Publix is awesome.  There is one across the street from my hfs.  I buy a lot of things there (shh! don't tell my boss!).

RachelAnn  where is the "Amazing Savings" in Greenville?  I may have to make a trip next time I visit the fam. 

It is on White Horse Road, right off the I-85 exit.  If you're coming from 85 North, then take the White Horse Road/Piedmont Highway exit, then take a right onto White Horse.  It will be just a little ways down on your right.  However, it is easy to miss because it is tucked in a sort of flea market area.  It faces the main road, but you have to really be watching for it because the sign is small.  It is in a kind of dumpy white shopping strip, right in the middle of a couple other stores.  It might help to get more specific directions by calling the store, since I"m not sure exactly where you'd be coming from.  Hope this helps, though!

Ooh!  Thanks!  I pretty much know where you're talking about.


A pair of the most adorablest organic miniature pumpkins for a dollar each. (I have no basis for comparison, but this sounds like a good deal to me!)

Now what I do wif dem?? ;D I'm thinking... baked and stuffed, mebbe.


that does sound like a bargain heli.  What sort of size?  Pics maybe?


Hey Heli....what about something like this?  Just ditch the sausage or use a vegan sausage....think it would be fine either way....

and 2nd on the pics!


They're about the size of a fist, only more flattened. Hehee, so cute! :D

That's a neat recipe, Jane! I'd like to try it but I don't have most of the ingredients. I'm sure I'll come up with something. Maybe a risotto kind of thing. Hmmm... with roasted tomatoes perhaps... *scratches head* I'll show you what I end up with, since I'll have to take more photos of the leetle pumpkins!


i got a half gallon of 8th continent soy milk for 1.50! it was on sale and they had a coupon. i was pretty excited.... ::)



Yanno those coconut milk yogurts that normally cost $1.99 each?

I just scored 3 cases for $1.99 each!
One case of blueberry, one of raspberry, and one of strawberry-banana.
so $6 for 36 yogurts. At my regular HFS I would have spent $72.00. My whole fridge is yogurt. I just need to remember to eat them because they are about to expire.

Freakin' Amazing.
:D :> :)>>>

PS I don't like that the containers cannot be recycled here. I refuse to throw them away, so I have LOADS of little yogurt containers in the basement. ARGGGGGG.


get out of here, l2a



send me some stuff


get out of here, l2a



send me some stuff

:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D


My first new clothing in many, many months: got a chocolate-brown bias-cut corduroy skirt and an organic cotton henley shirt for $20* at a two-for-one summer clearout sale. 8)

* less than US$12.


My first new clothing in many, many months: got a chocolate-brown bias-cut corduroy skirt and an organic cotton henley shirt for $20* at a two-for-one summer clearout sale. 8)

* less than US$12.

Awesome!  I LOVE cheap clothing (Especially when they look good!!)


at my school's dining commons, they have a salad bar where you pay by weight - something like 39cents/ounce. A lot of students get heavy, unhealthy salad stuffs - strips of ham and sliced egg and ranch dressing every where and cheese, etc (making an expensive salad), and though there are numerous vegan salad toppings (olives, baby carrots, mushrooms, pepperoncini, etc), I've just gotten tired of it all. They have 3-4 lettuces - iceberg (blegh), spinach (the kind they get is BLEGH), romaine (chemical tasting), and spring mix (much better). So, recently I've just been getting the spring mix with some kidney beans, and no dressing because I have my own in my room (also got sick of their Italian dressing). And now my salads (2-3 cups volume) cost... wait for it...
Yeah, that's right. Sometimes they don't even register on the scale, and the cashier doesn't care (I work there too). I figure spring mix is probably the most expensive lettuce we get, but it basically weighs nothing! I'll be sure NOT to tell the management  ;)b
It's nice when eating healthy means eating for cheap.


Yay for cheap food, thats awesome!

Yesterday, i got so much stuff for cheap. Shoes for prom that were suposed to be like 70 dollars for 7, four pairs of board shorts that were like, 30% off and only like 6-7 dollars each, and a shirt for like 4 dollars. On top of that, my mom was there, and she gets a 20% discount  :)>>>


yesterday i went to a resale shop & i got a H&M skirt for $2 - it was probably originally around 40bucks at H&M, yay!


tomorrow is my school's free market.  I'm so excited to see what is there.


i just bought fresh made tofu from this hole-in-the-wall storefront that is all locked up and you gotta call the number on the awning for the guy to come down to sell it to you.  you walk in and its a bunch of boxes and coolers full of tofu in baggies.. fresh & fried.  i got 2 bags fresh, 1 fried all for a dollar a bag!  i think the fresh ones have about a pound of tofu each and the fried is a little less.  i kinda felt like i was buying drugs or something..

btw, i had to try some already and it's great.  

i also got a packet of hazelnut pudding mix for 69cents!


Very cool, ppc. 8-)


I got another two garments in that same summer clearance sale, for $20 altogether (buy two, pay for one). A dark grapey purple tank top and a green, nice-textured, uh, jumper? sweater? it's not a warm fuzzy kind of thing - more of a fine-knit dressy top, tunic length, fitted under the bust with a crossover v-neck* top half. Ach, that was the worst description ever. It's really nice! And despite being TWO SIZES smaller than I usually wear, it fits me most excellently. :)>>>

And at half-price from Kathmandu, I got some (hopefully) windproof microfleece* gloves, for to stop my hands from freezing while driving my scooter to work, and a cute little 330ml (12oz) vacuum flask, great for soup/coffee at work or for hiking. ;)b

* ver-ry cleavagey, depending on what I wear under it. ;D
** to replace my stupid non-windproof pregan leather biking gloves! woohoo :D


I found the dvd "McLibel" for $3.99 in the Blockbuster clearance rack!  I love that documentary and now I own it! 


I won a blue-ray today! I chose Body of Lies because it's a new release, and we've never seen it. I dunno if it's any good, but I won it!



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