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I just scored a....... (a thread about finding great deals!!!)

I  love to brag about how little I paid for something. Like my $2.00 boots, or $14 Tofurkey dinners. This thread is dedicated to all the good deals we find!  8-)

I just scored (2) three pound tubs of Earth Balance for $2.99!

At this gross discount grocery store which hardly has anything vegan, they had these HUGE ASS tubs of EB (commercial size?) for $2.99 each. I did not realize until I got home that she only charged me for one, and NO I did not go back to correct her error! It is sort of far away (now I'm sure karma will bite me in the ass at some point). But jeez.....6 pounds for 3 bucks! I need to take a picture so you can appreciate how large these are. They are bigger than my head.

Anyone else get any good deals lately?

i just bought fresh made tofu from this hole-in-the-wall storefront that is all locked up and you gotta call the number on the awning for the guy to come down to sell it to you.  you walk in and its a bunch of boxes and coolers full of tofu in baggies.. fresh & fried.  i got 2 bags fresh, 1 fried all for a dollar a bag!  i think the fresh ones have about a pound of tofu each and the fried is a little less.  i kinda felt like i was buying drugs or something..

btw, i had to try some already and it's great.  

i also got a packet of hazelnut pudding mix for 69cents!

How in world do  you find out the procedure for such a place? That is really odd.  I would love to try fresh tofu.


thhf - well, i went there cus i heard of it online, but when it was all locked up so i just called the number on the awning to see if it was even a working number anymore.  im so glad i did - the stuff is so awesome.

todays deals!!

lightlife ham deli slices, on sale for 2.50... then i used a coupon for another buck off!  so 1.50!

lightlife bbq protein shreds on clearance for 2.79... then i used another coupon for a buck off!  so 1.79!

lastly, so delicious neopolitan mini sandwiches on sale for 3.50... then yet another dollar off coupon.. so 2.50!

btw.. all these coupons were totally expired.. one expired in 2007.  yay for U-Scans that accept anything!


me again!

went to the indian market and that place is amazing!  so many strange looking veggies & fruits that i've never seen before.. even raw almonds and chickpeas.. anyway i didnt go too crazy but i did buy..

4lb bag of chickpea (besan) flour for 3.49
2lb bag of red lentils for 2.99  (those things are CRAZY expensive at wf for a tiny tub!!.. which is why ive never bought them.)
12ct bag of fresh made whole wheat pita bread for 99cents

all this and a great lunch beforehand, yesterday was pretty fun!


sounds greay ppc.  I absolutely love indian / asian / chinese supermarkets.  It's one thing I will miss when we move away from London.


Never fear, shelloid - the Indian grocery here is great, IMO, and the Asian food warehouse is gigannnnntic. ;)b Oh, actually there are two Asian shops... the smaller one has a lot of good prices, and very nice beans. :)>>> Heh.


that's always assuming I manage to get a job in C'church heli!


Well, true. I shall think positive for you!! ;)b



36 coconut milk yogurts for NINE BUCKS>

Coconut MIlk Icecream (cookie dough flavor) for $1.79

1/2 gallon of Soy milk for 1.49

organic grapes, cherries and plums (I don't know the cost, but just finding organic versions of these here is tough)

I had 6 giant bags of organic groceries and it was only $80. I am still in a good mood from this shopping trip yesterday.


i would have so much fun grocery shopping with you! 


omg, l2a, i am so jealous. soo jealous.


L2A, I totally thought of you today.  I rescued a perfectly good book shelf from the side of the road tonight after work.  The most amazing the about it is, there is one almost just like it in the house I'm hoping to buy.  When I saw it, I figured the current owner would take it when he leaves and wondered what I could put in it's place.  The funny part is, it's taller than I am and I had to hoist it onto my back and carry it down the street to my house.  It was only like 100 yds or something, but people driving by were totally looking at me like I was a hobo or something. 

P.S.  It's not even dirty!!!


L2A, I totally thought of you today.  I rescued a perfectly good book shelf from the side of the road tonight after work.  The most amazing the about it is, there is one almost just like it in the house I'm hoping to buy.  When I saw it, I figured the current owner would take it when he leaves and wondered what I could put in it's place.  The funny part is, it's taller than I am and I had to hoist it onto my back and carry it down the street to my house.  It was only like 100 yds or something, but people driving by were totally looking at me like I was a hobo or something. 

P.S.  It's not even dirty!!!

I LOVE IT! I would love to see you hoisting a shelf. LOL!
The other day I got an electric skillet out of the trash (will be used for art projects, not food). AND a food dehydrator! A heavy duty one at that! Now i just need to figure out what to do with it.


So, I decided to take a picture of my shelf.  I'm excited because my friend is always finding and giving stuff to me, but this is my first really good road find on my own.  Plus, you can see how big it is and imagine how comical I must've looked.  :-D


So, I decided to take a picture of my shelf.  I'm excited because my friend is always finding and giving stuff to me, but this is my first really good road find on my own.  Plus, you can see how big it is and imagine how comical I must've looked.   :-D

I'm amazed that you carried it on your back! I would have like called someone to come help me carry it.  ;)b


firstly, that totally sounds like the kind of thing I would do. Also, that's a hell of a big shelf, and I probably would have had to laugh if I saw you wandering up the road with it.  Good score!!

Do you guys have 'inorganic' rubbish collections?  Each area here has them once a year, and you can make a massive pile of whatever shite you've got around your home/section/garage when you get the notice, then on Monday morning a truck comes and takes it all away.  But, without fail, before Monday morning, all your neighbours will have gone through your pile to salvage whatever they think they'd like in their place, only for it to almost invariably end up back in their inorganic pile the next year. But, there can be some super good bargains to be found, and your shelf-acquiring mission reminds me of inorganic foraging at it's best.


While I was in Michigan at my grandparents', we went to an Amish run store that had a bunch of bulk stuff, stuff they grow, and then tons of dented/past date stuff that is still good. I bought arrowroot powder, tapioca starch, black cocoa powder, and some panko, but the real deals were the dented things. A jar of Spectrum vegan mayo for 59 cents! Two bottles of organic Annie's Goddess dressing for 69 cents each (expiration date is coming up, but I opened one and it's still good), bag of organic Starbucks coffee for 5 dollars, a large thing of guava nectar for one dollar (size of a large soymilk pack), two cans of hearts of palm for 50 cents each, same with artichoke hearts, Orville Redenbacher Simply Salted microwave popcorn for 50 cents a box...It was a happy day (: The store was cute too. There was a sign on the door that said "We value modesty" and talked about how that meant like..reserved behavior and skin covered. I was wearing a kind of low sweater over a tank top so I worried I was being judged. Freaking awesome store though.


...a free citrus juicer, a $15 juicer- juicer, a $5 mandolin-esque slicer, and a free  food dehydrator.


I can top all:

I recently moved, and I was lookin' for (on the "free stuff" on craigslist):
a couch
a dining table
a tv stand

first post I see:
sofa, loveseat, dining table, tv stand, all for FREEEE

We called the dude who posted it, no answer. Emailed him, no answer. Three hours pass, and finally the dude calls us (now 7 pm), since some lady was supposed to take the stuff but didn't show. Could we come tonight? Hells yes.
*But* my boyfriend (the driver) was in La Puente, the furniture was in Sierra Madre (~15 mi away), and the truck we needed to borrow was in Hollywood (22 mi away), but the owner of the truck who had the key was in Alhambra (roughly between La Puente and Hollywood). So we set off for Alhambra, where we momentarily got lost, and parking made the acquisition of the key quite difficult, then to Hollywood, where traffic was inevitably crappy, then to Sierra Madre, as the sky darkened and as we called the dude to let him know we were still coming. In fact, at one point we got his voicemail and his message had changed to "if you're asking about the free furniture, leave your name and number and I'll put you on the waiting list." We timed it so that my boyfriend's dad would arrive at Sierra Madre from La Puente at the same time (also has a truck), and finally, the free furniture was ours. Totally in good condition. The tv stand even had a swiveling top, magnetic cabinet latch thingies, and the round dining table was twice expandable into an oval.
(less exciting: after getting the furniture back to La Puente, we had to go back to Hollywood to return the truck and get back the original car)
We spent the next day washing the couches with a carpet cleaning thing, but IT WAS WORTH IT.

Yes. You are struck with awe at all my glory. It's ok. You can admit it.

P.S.: the dude was giving away his furniture because someone had given it to him when he moved to college. Not because feral cats lived in it or anything.


I have a good deal for someone...
a pair of mens garmont vegan stormbloc (waterproof) hiking boots
size 9.5us 43euro New never used, I loved loved loved my pair.
Tried a 1/2 size smaller and too small.
Make me an offer :)

0 likes all have such great finds.  I was all excited to find several pairs of healed sandals at Payless for $5 a pair but now that doesn't sound so good.  ;)



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