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I just scored a....... (a thread about finding great deals!!!)

I  love to brag about how little I paid for something. Like my $2.00 boots, or $14 Tofurkey dinners. This thread is dedicated to all the good deals we find!  8-)

I just scored (2) three pound tubs of Earth Balance for $2.99!

At this gross discount grocery store which hardly has anything vegan, they had these HUGE ASS tubs of EB (commercial size?) for $2.99 each. I did not realize until I got home that she only charged me for one, and NO I did not go back to correct her error! It is sort of far away (now I'm sure karma will bite me in the ass at some point). But jeez.....6 pounds for 3 bucks! I need to take a picture so you can appreciate how large these are. They are bigger than my head.

Anyone else get any good deals lately?

I am excited because I found a 6 ct. box of vegan fruit breakfast bars (like nutrigrain, but those ones have milk in them) at the dollar store by where I go to school for $1.

Also, I know this totally doesn't count as a score, but I love it when my parentals will buy me groceries and things.  Like, I said I wanted a big jar of peanut butter to take to school, thinking I would get the bigger but still normal sized one, most likely in an off-brand because they forget if it's me or my brother that likes skippy.  But no, they got me a 4 lb. jar of extra crunchy skippy!!!  I have been in peanut butter heaven lately.  And I'm hoping I can talk them into getting me a cute 1.5 qt personal crock pot at target that's on sale for like $7 so I can figure out how to cook my beans in it and then make delightful soups.  :-)


I have a good deal for someone...
a pair of mens garmont vegan stormbloc (waterproof) hiking boots
size 9.5us 43euro New never used, I loved loved loved my pair.
Tried a 1/2 size smaller and too small.
Make me an offer :)

I wear size 9 in chick shoes, do you think those would fit? (Been looking for good vegan hiking boots for ages!)


I have a good deal for someone...
a pair of mens garmont vegan stormbloc (waterproof) hiking boots
size 9.5us 43euro New never used, I loved loved loved my pair.
Tried a 1/2 size smaller and too small.
Make me an offer :)

I wear size 9 in chick shoes, do you think those would fit? (Been looking for good vegan hiking boots for ages!)

That would be a 7-8 in guy shoes.


I have a good deal for someone...
a pair of mens garmont vegan stormbloc (waterproof) hiking boots
size 9.5us 43euro New never used, I loved loved loved my pair.
Tried a 1/2 size smaller and too small.
Make me an offer :)

I wear size 9 in chick shoes, do you think those would fit? (Been looking for good vegan hiking boots for ages!)

That would be a 7-8 in guy shoes.

Oh poo! I guess I'll have to keep looking :(


I bought a new (to me) vacuum cleaner today.  My old one finally died at the weekend, so I looked on gumtree and saw a Dyson for £45 - it's got a years warranty and brand new they're normally over £200!!!  I've already used it and it is amaaaaaaazing.  I love it.  Yay!


My mom owns a secondhand store, so I generally get good deals. :)
my problem is I have big feet and no one brings my size into the store haha.

I've never had anything happen with food at stores, though.


I scored a free front door yesterday... now I just need to buy the house to put it in! : /


That sounds really cool OWW.  ;)b

I scored a bunch of vegan meats  (veggie sausage, intestines (strange I know), "shicken", hot pot), some veggie bullion, veggie oyster sauce and sesame chili oil for 68 yuan or 10 bucks at this tiny little Buddhist shop.


I scored a free front door yesterday... now I just need to buy the house to put it in! : /

that is cute, oow!


That sounds really cool OWW.  ;)b

I scored a bunch of vegan meats  (veggie sausage, intestines (strange I know), "shicken", hot pot), some veggie bullion, veggie oyster sauce and sesame chili oil for 68 yuan or 10 bucks at this tiny little Buddhist shop.

do they really call it veggie intestines? I've never heard of such a thing!
Gross! :)


That sounds really cool OWW.  ;)b

I scored a bunch of vegan meats  (veggie sausage, intestines (strange I know), "shicken", hot pot), some veggie bullion, veggie oyster sauce and sesame chili oil for 68 yuan or 10 bucks at this tiny little Buddhist shop.

do they really call it veggie intestines? I've never heard of such a thing!
Gross! :)

Hahaha! Yep, the whole package is in Chinese except for where it very clearly says "Vegetarian Intestines." It does not really make you want to go out and buy it, but a vegetarian acquaintance I made recommended it so I thought I would give it a whirl.


I stopped at the hfs (where I used to work) to pick up some quinoa tonight and the owner was like "oh! did you get the email about the new vegan cheese?!"  So apparently, a customer requested they carry "Sheese."  The company sent some samples and he wanted me to be the official sampler for the store!  So, I got to bring home a whole package of Bleu Cheese and the Cheddar Cheese Spread...for free!  I have wanted to try it for a long time, but Isn't that stuff pretty pricey?  I'm totally gonna make some bleu cheese dressing.  Score.


I got a 3 pack of my favorite running socks for 25 cents!!!  At first I thought it was wrong so I went back the next day and I bought another pack and it was the same price.  So I went back later that day and bought 2 more packs.


Got 6 lbs of apples, 2 pints of blueberries, and 10 ounces of organic baby spinach for 11.29!!!!!!!!!!  With Apples at 1.29 a lb, a pint of blueberries at 4.99, and 5 oz spinach at 4.99  i believe I got agreat deal!!  Thank you Winn Dixie for buy one get one free and in store coupons!!


I bought a huge bag of bananas that were getting a little brown for a dollar last night.  The store close to my house always puts them on sale super cheap and I buy them and freeze them for smoothies and banana bread.  I bet there were at least 15 in the bag.


I got a beautiful pair of red and white roller skates in my size for $14.99 at goodwill!! I love them!!!


last weekend we went to my new favourite shop, a big Asian supermarket, and got 25kg of thai rice, 2kg of vermicelli rice noodles and 1kg of wide noodles for $45.

we usually buy rice by the kilo at the supermarket and the cheapest brand available is $2/kg, vermicelli is $2 for 1/4 kg and I couldn't even get those noodles from a supermarket. So, we don't need to buy any rice/noodles for... forever, and saved $25-30 : )
haha, I don't think they look big in this photo, but seriously, it is a lot of rice!


I always contemplate buying those huge bags of rice, but I have no idea what I'd do with it...


haha, well, what we're actually going to do is sell part of it to my husband's parents.  That's part of my job for today, figuring out how to re-bag 12kg of rice!


Our climbing club had a gear swap the other night, and I got a black Nike fleece, a windproof running vest, a floppy khaki hat, a t-shirt, a powder bag for climbing, and some Clif bars for $5, some old climbing shoes that don't fit and a water bottle. Yessssss!

And then I splurged and bought a pair of North Face hiking pants--the kind that the legs can zip off--because they were 40% off...but I still spent $36! Good deal, but it's still a lot of money.



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