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natalie portman not vegan anymore?

Stupid, she says stuff about having to really watch your nutrients, and then says it was to eat stuff from a bakery. :^ (my daughter insists on adding a smiley anytime I type)

I'm going to bake some frickin' cookies right now, dammit.... but I don't have any butter or eggs!! Oh how will I ever manage this task?

Oh no, I guess you can't be vegan any more :(


I dont think she had been a vegan very long anyways.  A lot of people go in and out of it at first; theres a good chance she'll start again soon.

I don't think its bad publicity really; people already know being vegan is difficult.

I have had a crush on natalie since I was in middle school (before I went vegetarian) though so I might be biased...


But I don't think being vegan is difficult...


being vegan is definitely not difficult


It's only "difficult" in the sense that if you're out and about and want a cookie, you most likely cannot just walk into any store and get one. But I don't think it would be difficult for Natalie Portman.


Of course it is, you guys. That's why the last 9 years of my life have been so rough. I've lost about 30 pounds on a dry salad diet because that's all we can eat!


I eat twigs & grass, too...  Is that not vegan?


I eat twigs & grass, too...  Is that not vegan?

nope! those have feelings too!


I eat twigs & grass, too...  Is that not vegan?



It may not be difficult in retrospect for many of us... but most people already see it as difficult, so things like this really aren't hurting their perception of veganism, just exposing them to the concept of it more.


Well, although I agree that Natalie Portman going back to vegetarianism isn't doing major, irreversible damage to the vegan movement or anything extreme like that - I do think that her saying stupid lazy stuff like what she said makes 'regular' non-vegans think, "Wow, well, if rich & famous Natalie Portman, who has access to so much more than I do, can't be vegan, it would be impossible for me!"

I'm not judging her for her choices.  I mostly was bothered by the hypocrisy in her statements - she's concerned about iron & general health, but all she wants to eat are egg-laden pastries?  Just sounds like stupid excuses to me.  Especially after she wrote that powerful piece for HuffPo, where she sounded so dedicated to veganism.  It's like, You're going to drop veganism because you want a cookie?  ???  I'd rather her have not said anything than to make up dumb/false "reasons" for why she's not vegan anymore.


Since I am the only vegan that 99% of my friends know, they keep coming to me with this Natalie Portman news. Yes, these people that sort of don't give a shit one way or another about veganism, and THIS is the little tidbit of news they latch onto. it's just embarrassing. I'm tired of it. She could use her voice for such great things, and she decides to just make all of our jobs harder. Thanks Nat.


Since I am the only vegan that 99% of my friends know, they keep coming to me with this Natalie Portman news. Yes, these people that sort of don't give a shit one way or another about veganism, and THIS is the little tidbit of news they latch onto. it's just embarrassing. I'm tired of it. She could use her voice for such great things, and she decides to just make all of our jobs harder. Thanks Nat.

Ditto!  My friends keep bringing this up to me, too!  I got probably 5 text messages the day the "news" broke that Natalie was no longer vegan saying, "WHOA!  Natalie Portman isn't vegan anymore?!"  So I have to echo what Laura said in the Vegansaurus article I linked to a few pages back; either use your public platform for good, Natalie, or STFU about your diet.


I read an article last year that said she ate eggs every once in a while, so I've never considered her vegan anyway....
if I want a cookie, I make my fat ass a cookie!  stop being such a lazy bitch, Natalie!


I love how she said that if you're pregnant and vegan you have to make sure you get the proper ingredients... she eats cookies and cake.

=  Right on!

Maybe Alicia can talk some pretty girl sense into her at the next red carpet event.


Alicia eats cheese & talks about it all the time...

I think she's "mostly" vegan, but even on Oprah & in her book ("The Kind Diet"), she said that "once in awhile" she'll succumb to cheese, but then she goes back to being vegan because dairy makes her break out.



Alicia eats cheese & talks about it all the time...

I think she's "mostly" vegan, but even on Oprah & in her book ("The Kind Diet"), she said that "once in awhile" she'll succumb to cheese, but then she goes back to being vegan because dairy makes her break out.


Also obnoxious. It's not that freaking hard, celebrities! You can afford everything in the whole world, including Dr.Cow, and you're eating cheese? Ahhhhh. Angry face.


Right?!  Believe me, I understand trying to seem approachable & relatable & not all "hardcore angry vegan" or whatever...  But this shit is just stupid.  When Kathy Freston was on Oprah's big vegan show, Oprah was telling her about her next door neighbors in California, and how they kept chickens & treated them very well, etc.  Oprah was like, "I can see the chickens!  They are lovin' their life!  I can't even eat their eggs if I'm going to be vegan?"  And Kathy said, "Eat the eggs!  If you know that they're being sourced humanely, eat them!"  This whole conversation was lighthearted & the audience was cracking up at Oprah, and I was yelling at the TV, "You're missing the fucking point, Kathy & Oprah!!!"  I mean, Kathy is vegan & she sure as hell could afford to find "humanely" sourced eggs much more than the average American - yet she still chooses to be vegan.  She should have talked about WHY eggs are never really humane instead of saying, "Eat the eggs!"  Pfff.

I really wish Oprah would have someone like Colleen Patrick-Goudreau on, who is eloquent, approachable, relatable, yet still consistent in her message.  But Kathy is married to one of Oprah's business partners, soooo...  ???  There's that.

I'm not trying to split hairs.  I am a firm believer in "it takes all types," and I think it's great that not everyone communicates their passion for veganism in the exact same way...  Because some people respond to a more in-your-face approach like Vegan Freaks or "Skinny Bitch" - and then some people (like me) respond to a more, let's say, gentle approach like John Robbins or Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, and go vegan that way.  But I wish these celebrities would understand that there's a difference between saying "I used to love cheese, too.  Believe me, there's life after cheese!" and "I eat cheese sometimes.  See?!  I'm just like you!  I'm so relatable!  You can be vegan & eat cheese sometimes!"

Just be consistent & stop confusing people about what "vegan" means, dammit.  And stop making it sound so hard & restrictive!


(What would I do without you VegWeb peeps?  :)>>>)


Right?!  Believe me, I understand trying to seem approachable & relatable & not all "hardcore angry vegan" or whatever...  But this shit is just stupid.  When Kathy Freston was on Oprah's big vegan show, Oprah was telling her about her next door neighbors in California, and how they kept chickens & treated them very well, etc.  Oprah was like, "I can see the chickens!  They are lovin' their life!  I can't even eat their eggs if I'm going to be vegan?"  And Kathy said, "Eat the eggs!  If you know that they're being sourced humanely, eat them!"  This whole conversation was lighthearted & the audience was cracking up at Oprah, and I was yelling at the TV, "You're missing the fucking point, Kathy & Oprah!!!"  I mean, Kathy is vegan & she sure as hell could afford to find "humanely" sourced eggs much more than the average American - yet she still chooses to be vegan.  She should have talked about WHY eggs are never really humane instead of saying, "Eat the eggs!"  Pfff.

I really wish Oprah would have someone like Colleen Patrick-Goudreau on, who is eloquent, approachable, relatable, yet still consistent in her message.  But Kathy is married to one of Oprah's business partners, soooo...  ???  There's that.

I'm not trying to split hairs.  I am a firm believer in "it takes all types," and I think it's great that not everyone communicates their passion for veganism in the exact same way...  Because some people respond to a more in-your-face approach like Vegan Freaks or "Skinny Bitch" - and then some people (like me) respond to a more, let's say, gentle approach like John Robbins or Colleen Patrick-Goudreau, and go vegan that way.  But I wish these celebrities would understand that there's a difference between saying "I used to love cheese, too.  Believe me, there's life after cheese!" and "I eat cheese sometimes.  See?!  I'm just like you!  I'm so relatable!  You can be vegan & eat cheese sometimes!"

Just be consistent & stop confusing people about what "vegan" means, dammit.  And stop making it sound so hard & restrictive!


(What would I do without you VegWeb peeps?  :)>>>)

I love reading your posts and love everything you say.
I want to be you when I grow up!


Alicia eats cheese & talks about it all the time...

I think she's "mostly" vegan, but even on Oprah & in her book ("The Kind Diet"), she said that "once in awhile" she'll succumb to cheese, but then she goes back to being vegan because dairy makes her break out.


Really!??  Wow...I thought Alicia was hardcore to the bone.  I read her book, and she preaches animal rights pretty hard in the beginning section, along with environmental concerns and all that.  Based on that alone I thought she was 100% on board.  :(


I love reading your posts and love everything you say.
I want to be you when I grow up!

Aww, thanks, luv!  :-* 8-)



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