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What would you like to see on VegWeb?

Hello Awesome People Who Know VegWeb Best!

As I'm getting to know the site and learning as much as I can, I thought I'd take a moment to get opinions on any changes you'd like to see. What do you like? Love? Want to throw out a window? Anything and everything! It's obvious the community is active and vibrant and so I KNOW you have some opinions! Let's hear 'em!

If you're feeling shy or don't want to post in a thread, feel free to email me at eval(unescape('%64%6f%63%75%6d%65%6e%74%2e%77%72%69%74%65%28%27%3c%61%20%68%72%65%66%3d%22%6d%61%69%6c%74%6f%3a%6c%61%75%72%61%40%76%65%67%77%65%62%2e%63%6f%6d%22%3e%6c%61%75%72%61%40%76%65%67%77%65%62%2e%63%6f%6d%3c%2f%61%3e%27%29%3b')).


so this is only something I thought about yesterday when I hadn't been on VW for a few dys and there was loads of updated topics.....
when you click 'show new replies to my topics' is there any way to split them up into forum posts and recipe posts?  I don't know if anyone else would like this or not, but I'd quite like it, as that's how I generally look on VW - by looking at unread topics.

yes, I'd like this.
I'd also like to mention that I miss so many new threads because they don't pop up in the "show unread posts since last visit" section....some do, some don't....then I find them later and I'm like "oh, I wish I had seen that"


Hey All!

Sorry about the site being slow. We are currently working with our server and programmers to correct this issue. Thank you so much for your patience!

As far as the separating recipes from forums, that is a great idea and would be ideal. They're all done in forums so I'm not sure if it's possible right now but I'm working on it. It's in the notes!

Thanks to everyone for being on top of everything and always bringing issues to my attention, it is soooo helpful!


Please consider making it possible for us to modify our own recipes for amending improvements or mistakes. This function was available for a while, but no more. :)


Please consider making it possible for us to modify our own recipes for amending improvements or mistakes. This function was available for a while, but no more. :)



I can't tell you the enormous amount of time I have wasted trying to add recipes that are already in my box. I wish that if it was already in my box, that adding it was not an option, so then I would know!


I don't really know how search engines work, so maybe this is harder than I think. But when I search for a recipe it doesn't always come up. I will sometimes search the name of the recipe and somehow it doesn't come up in the list. I don't know...I just don't think the search works that well. Does this make any sense?


I don't really know how search engines work, so maybe this is harder than I think. But when I search for a recipe it doesn't always come up. I will sometimes search the name of the recipe and somehow it doesn't come up in the list. I don't know...I just don't think the search works that well. Does this make any sense?

the regular search sucks - try the Advanced tends to work much better!


I agree that the Advanced Search is better, but both searches still suck, in my opinion.  If I'm looking for something, I still have the best luck going to Google & typing in whatever I'm looking for "+ VegWeb".

For instance:

spicy chai tea + VegWeb typed into Google will actually bring up the link to this recipe - but if I type spicy chai tea in VegWeb's advanced search, the recipe comes up fourth from the bottom of a ton of search results...  Even though it's the exact name of the recipe.

I've found a search method (through Google) that works for me, but I still wish that VegWeb's own search engine worked better...  It's hard to find new recipes without knowing the exact title or accidentally coming across something good.


I'm glad I'm not crazy and was just searching in a weird manner. I had never even noticed the advanced search link until now!

The Google idea is helpful, too.


Am I the only one who gets annoyed when random (infrequently asked) questions are posted in the FAQ thread?
Should it be locked or something?  Or am I just too uptight?


I think that you were the first one to notice that in chat.


I think that you were the first one to notice that in chat.

what are you even referring to?


I would really like to have an "Other" option for the " Type of Diet" question on the VegWeb profiles. It would be even cooler if there was an open-ended option where users could write a few words to describe their diet. I don't really feel like I fit in any of the listed categories, and I've recently noticed others posting about their diets who also would seem to fall between the lines..


I would really like to have an "Other" option for the " Type of Diet" question on the VegWeb profiles. It would be even cooler if there was an open-ended option where users could write a few words to describe their diet. I don't really feel like I fit in any of the listed categories, and I've recently noticed others posting about their diets who also would seem to fall between the lines..

i think a vegan diet or vegan diet + lifestyle would make sense... i know that many people follow a vegan diet for health reasons and not animal rights reasons so only their diet is vegan but not their entire lifestyle... i know i fall short of being a "super vegan" since my diet is vegan but not my whole lifestyle though i am trying my hardest to get it that way, but then again, who is truly vegan 100% of the time in every sense of the word... i don't know if i will ever be... the labeling and all the bickering that goes along with it is getting pretty ridiculous IMO


Taking notes on all these excellent suggestions! Please keep 'em coming!


Seriously? 32 pages and you're not sick of our nagging yet? I love your positivity WML! Can I suggest you and your team get a raise?  :P Or at the very least a vegan pizza party or something....


Seriously? 32 pages and you're not sick of our nagging yet? I love your positivity WML! Can I suggest you and your team get a raise?  :P Or at the very least a vegan pizza party or something....

I think they have lots of parties over at VegNews! :)


for searching the forums, the results are sorted by date posted. it'd be cool to be able to sort by the other headers, like percent relevance, title, poster, etc.


AC and VeganRun - it's true, we like to party! You know whenever you're in SF, you are welcome to stop by :)

faunablues - that is an EXCELLENT suggestion, it's noted!


It would be nice if someone could weed out all the spambot "profiles" in the VegFriends section. I was looking for a particular person, starting at the beginning, and on the first few pages there are literally dozens of fake spammer "profiles" that are about selling dodgy drugs online.



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