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Bad fur episode!

Hi everyone,

I wanted to tell you about something that happened to me the other day.

So, a little back story on this is that my S/O sells vintage motorcycles. He was getting ready to leave and this wonderfully flamboyant african american man came up and started talking to him. I didn't know about what because I was only at the window to stop the dogs from barking at the stranger in the driveway.

So, he was there for over 40 minutes and then left. S/O, Marcus leaves on his errands and everything is quiet.

An hour later Marcus comes back and just a couple minutes later there is a knock at the door. It's this same man.....Only this time I look out the door (holding the dog back) and he is wearing a gold crown on his head and a FUR PELT as a sash!!!!! >:( >:(

Never having met this man I was Peed off to say the least! That someone would come to my house proudly wearing fur!!! I yelled, "Marcus!!" and had him come to the door but then I went out with him. We walked out the door and, before anyone else could say anything (even though this guy was all smiles) I said, "Please tell me that is fake fur!"

He looked at me almost proudly and said it was real fur. At that point I said something like, "Well that is sick. I can't believe you would wear that." And I went back in the house. Marcus explained my views on fur and he seemed really cool about it.

A while later I found out that he is a neighbor a couple doors down and I started feeling bad about how I reacted. It was a "knee jerk" reaction to seeing something so horrible. He was sitting outside his house and I went over and apologized for the way I acted but he actually understood. It turns out it was something he was given and when I explained why wearing fur is cruel and horrid he agreed not to wear it again.

I don't know if he'll actually do it but I felt bad for reacting hostile and not just giving him the facts about what happens to these animals. I hope he never wears it again. I just felt bad because I've never imposed my beliefs on others but I blasted this guy! I'm glad I was able to be more tactful later on. :)


Sounds like it was a learning experience for you learned to temper your reactions to strangers, and maybe think about how, before you speak. And he learned a little about the horrors of fur.

I had students who would come proudly to *English class* in fur coats and show them off to me, saying "What do you think?" I knew they were rubbing my nose in the fact that owning a fur coat in this climate implies boocoos of money, for cold storage 9 mos out of the year. But since, in terms of fur, I don't have "a nose", I would always say coolly: "I prefer furs that still contain the original, live animal."


Yes, Yabbitgirl! I haven't had to deal with this aspect until that day! I was taken aback and, I guess, didn't know how to react. I guess in some ways I'm worse at dealing with meat wearers than meat eaters. Hmmmm.....

For some stupid reason that makes a little sense, since meat *eaters* don't usually show the actual animal, whereas *meat wearers" you can see the skin of what it was.

Maybe that's why I'm less likely to treat them in the same category as eaters.  :-\  Also, there are so many other non meat animals for fur...I guess it makes me madder. Although meat and fur are both equally bad......



I'm surprised you didn't tear it off of him. :D ;D ;D ;D :D ;D I'm just teasing you.

You said you were sorry. I don't think it was a biggy. Don't worry about it, I'd say.


Oh...did I tell you that when I went over there he wasn't wearing the fur and had it draped over the banister of the to porch? I think he felt bad (rightfully so) and didn't want to touch it. :)  I was happy to see that. :)


Vivianne (beautiful name btw), I think you've planted some good seed. I was raised in the States and I think a lot of people eat meat a) because they were raised to and b) because of the fact that they buy either precooked or cut up and wrapped in pristine, antiseptic plastic trays. It was a real revelation to me when I came to Spain 25 yrs ago and went to the market with my housemother. The huge hindquarter of whatever, that he proceeded to whack the chunk off that you ordered, or the chickens complete with heads and feet, were revelation enough...but the live market...well we won't even discuss that.

I feel sure that if your friend ever had to do his own killing, he'd make the connection better. Yes, I know there are people who hunt, or kill their own livestock, and feel no connection, but your average Joe or Jane that usually shops in the supermarket, that's another story.

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