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Kucinich for President 2008 (NVR)

I didn't want to co-opt the thread on Kucinich's food poisoning.  So I've started a new one because I think everyone should look at his position on the issues:

Particularly read the paper he submitted to Congress in 2002 stating the reasons why the U.S. should *not* go to war in Iraq.  He said everythng that's been brought out since the war turned "sour" on us way before it happened.  If more than 125 Democrats had taken it seriously and voted against the war from the get-go, we wouldn't be in the horrible mess we're in now.  Even my hawkish, veteran of 20 years in the U.S. Army, DH is saying now that it's all been a big mistake:

His work on repealing the so-called Patriot Act is also a good read:

Also if you have time, read up on the health care bill he's co-sponsoring with John Conyers:

Don't just support him because he's vegan, support him because so far he seems to be the best candidate, IMHO.  8)

Wow, he does sound really good! I even Wikipedia'd him. ;)

He's also pro-gay and anti-capitol punishment. Woot! IMO, if he keeps up his views and I hear more of him as the year drags on, he's got my vote in '08! Well, I can't vote...but I can convince my mom to vote for who I want.  :)

Although I am curious how he intends to fund all of his ideas(like providing free college to any American who wants it).

What exactly did the PATRIOT Act do? I always figured it was just kinda there to make Bush feel special for signing something Congress actually liked...

;D  Don't take this wrong but have you convinced your mom to let you buy black beans?  If not, do you really think you're going to convince her who to vote for President?  Sorry, if that comes off harsh or that I'm making fun at you but I do find it a just little amusing and out of touch with your reality.  I really hope you can show her printouts on Kucinich's positions or get her to read his website!  Then if she's not blinded by Republicanism she'll "see the light".

I know one way he can find the money to fund college for all Americans.  Stop all the subsidies to the big factory farming meat producers.  That would raise oodles and oodles of cash!


I voted for him in the primaries last time, and I'll vote for him in the primaries again.  One of the only perks of being a registered Democrat is attempting to shape the horrible two party political system in your favor.


I would love it if the man stood a chance. I am glad that at least there is someone in congress doing what they believe in, not what corporations believe they should. Last time I was in Cleveland I cheered when I drove by his offices.

For I am a dork.


Don't take this wrong but have you convinced your mom to let you buy black beans?  If not, do you really think you're going to convince her who to vote for President?

Okay, why won't you mom let you buy black beans?  I meen really, what could be wrong with buying black beans?  They are cheap, versatile, and very very tasty, that just makes no sense to me!

Okay, about this Kucinich for president, I like SOME of his ideas, but they seem a little extreme.  I especially like the idea of free college for American's.  If I had that I wouldn't have $30,000 in student loans to pay off now.  I am not sure about the health care for all thing, that would drive our taxes way way up.  Now mind, I spent the first 28 years of my life with no health insurance and I was dead broke during that time, especially during college, but now I have health insurance provided by the company I work for and I don't want half to three quarters of my paychecks to go to taxes to pay for something that I already have.  All these issues are very difficult issues that have no one clear cut answer.  What is good for some is not good for others, there are no answers that are good for everybody.  I am not sure about this guy, I think I will wait and watch and see who presents the least evil in the end.


What exactly did the PATRIOT Act do? I always figured it was just kinda there to make Bush feel special for signing something Congress actually liked...

The Patriot Act was basically put in place so that the government could force citizens to relinquish their rights in the name of national security.  >:(


Don't take this wrong but have you convinced your mom to let you buy black beans?  If not, do you really think you're going to convince her who to vote for President?

Okay, why won't you mom let you buy black beans?  I meen really, what could be wrong with buying black beans?  They are cheap, versatile, and very very tasty, that just makes no sense to me!

Okay, about this Kucinich for president, I like SOME of his ideas, but they seem a little extreme.  I especially like the idea of free college for American's.  If I had that I wouldn't have $30,000 in student loans to pay off now.  I am not sure about the health care for all thing, that would drive our taxes way way up.  Now mind, I spent the first 28 years of my life with no health insurance and I was dead broke during that time, especially during college, but now I have health insurance provided by the company I work for and I don't want half to three quarters of my paychecks to go to taxes to pay for something that I already have.  All these issues are very difficult issues that have no one clear cut answer.  What is good for some is not good for others, there are no answers that are good for everybody.  I am not sure about this guy, I think I will wait and watch and see who presents the least evil in the end.

Well, if we were to abandon this silly war, and a good portion of the money used on civilian surveillance, we'd all have our health care paid for without raising taxes, not to mention the wasted extra money on unneeded farming subsidiaries and other such wasteful things.  I'm not sure about the tax breakdown of what Kucinich wants to do, but I do know that he doesn't plan on raising taxes for the working class (most of us).


Im a Gravel supporter all the way, Id recommend everyone looking into his campaign and stances


Im a Gravel supporter all the way, Id recommend everyone looking into his campaign and stances

Fellow San Diegan do you listen to Malloy on KLSD?
Get the PodCast (seriously) with Gravel on it for over an hour.
Oh my God! Please look into this guy more, because I think Gravel is a little off his rocker!
He couldn't logically explain any of his positions to Malloy. Malloy really tried to get them out of him by extending the interview over nearly the entire show.
One of the worst positions Gravel had was a national sales tax. (Snowqueen if this guy were elected your taxes would go up) This kind of tax taxes consumption rather than income, so the largest tax increase would be on the poor and middle class. Gravel won't even exempt food from the sales tax!!!
A real solution would be to restore the 90% tax on income above 3.5 million dollars and on dividends.
Go to the web sites TinTexas mentions. She's right.
I support Kucinich not because he's vegan, but for his positions on the issues. I supported him before I knew he was vegan.
Kucinich 2008!!!


see, i dont mind people all paying a fair tax across the board. no one getting taxed any more than anyone else.

rich people shouldnt be punished for making more money

lets not forget all the tax shelters/breaks wealthy people have than poor/mid class people dont

why do I get punished for not being married? why do I get punished for not having kids? why do I get punished for not having any real write-offs?

and at the same time, Im not looking towards the more firtunante to step up and take some of my burden off me, Im my own person

lets not forget,

he's anti-war, pro gay marriage, pro universal health care, pro drug legalization/decriminlization, anti PACTS

he's candid and he doesnt speak like any other mainstream politician Ive seen

as far as off his rocker? ummm, yeah..Bush says he talks to jesus....enough said. do you really feel like any of these people really have your/our best interests at heart?

and after all that, Im going to hunt down that podcast


couldnt find the podcast, if you have a link Id like to listen to it


couldnt find the podcast, if you have a link Id like to listen to it

I'm sorry I forgot you can't get them off Malloy's site or White Rose Society anymore. You'll have to go to I think there's a fee now too. :(


The Patriot Act was basically put in place so that the government could force citizens to relinquish their rights in the name of national security.   >:(

Is it the program that lets the government wiretap and eavesdrop on phone calls and stuff? Or am I thinking of I different? That's the thing I never cared for in politics - how they have to name everything. The names never even relate to what they're talking about, or they're really really long acronyms no one gets. lol.

Sorry not about Kucinich here... just HAD to answer this Patriot Act thing though...

PATRIOT ACT (ACLU's summary:
This is sooo important. I'd go as far as saying, it's probably one of the most important things in our lives.
You know all those special, very cool rights you have since you're American???? Well you DON'T have them!! The Patriot Act takes all those away.
The Patriot Act allows the government to imprison YOU (yes, you) by simply calling you a 'terrorist' and not naming any other reason whatsoever.
Your first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, and fourteenth amendments have all been altered/removed.
The Patriot Act overrides the bill of rights.
It is shameful to America and Thomas Jefferson is spinning in his grave.
OH! And the 'freedoms' that some people like to say we are fighting for in Iraq (to cover up the whole oil thing)....
you know, "We're fighting for freedom!" (insert Texas accent, and goofy head nod)
... those don't even exist anymore... we don't actually get those 'freedoms'. So it's pretty much BS.
So, American soldiers (and Iraqi citizens) are dying fighting for 'freedom' which has been taken away from us. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
But if you call it the Patriot Act (to cover up the fact that it is one of the most UNpatriotic things ever) no one would oppose the "Patriot Act" because if they did they must not be a "patriot," right?  It's so important to educate yourself on what those stupid bills and acronyms are because they truly do affect you very much.

I don't salute the flag anymore and won't until the Patriot Act is repealed in FULL. I think it makes me MORE of a patriot to not salute it in protest than to blindly do so. I don't stop on base, I stop my car if I'm driving, as per post driving regulations, but I will not stop when walking and stand solemnly and pay reverence to a symbol that no longer stands for American values, until the day it does again.


PATRIOT ACT (ACLU's summary:
This is sooo important. I'd go as far as saying, it's probably one of the most important things in our lives.
You know all those special, very cool rights you have since you're American???? Well you DON'T have them!! The Patriot Act takes all those away.
The Patriot Act allows the government to imprison YOU (yes, you) by simply calling you a 'terrorist' and not naming any other reason whatsoever.
Your first, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth, and fourteenth amendments have all been altered/removed.
The Patriot Act overrides the bill of rights.
It is shameful to America and Thomas Jefferson is spinning in his grave.
OH! And the 'freedoms' that some people like to say we are fighting for in Iraq (to cover up the whole oil thing)....
you know, "We're fighting for freedom!" (insert Texas accent, and goofy head nod)
... those don't even exist anymore... we don't actually get those 'freedoms'. So it's pretty much BS.
So, American soldiers (and Iraqi citizens) are dying fighting for 'freedom' which has been taken away from us. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
But if you call it the Patriot Act (to cover up the fact that it is one of the most UNpatriotic things ever) no one would oppose the "Patriot Act" because if they did they must not be a "patriot," right?  It's so important to educate yourself on what those stupid bills and acronyms are because they truly do affect you very much.

I don't salute the flag anymore and won't until the Patriot Act is repealed in FULL. I think it makes me MORE of a patriot to not salute it in protest than to blindly do so. I don't stop on base, I stop my car if I'm driving, as per post driving regulations, but I will not stop when walking and stand solemnly and pay reverence to a symbol that no longer stands for American values, until the day it does again.

Ahmen JH!!!!


disclaimer: i don't know much about politics.  i just have an idea.

i have been thinking a lot about 'when im older', such as, when i'm older, i would like to have at least 3 major parties to chose from, i would like weed to be legalized by the time i get cancer, id like to have same sex marriage legalized so i can see my friends get married and id like to have universal health care, because, well, ill be old.  so looking in the long run of things, im going to continue to vote for green or other third parties, unless there is a major problem (like bush's second term, i voted for kerry... ugh)  i just want to have options when im older, and i dont see more options coming my way when greens and socialists and libertarians and constitutionalists get pushed into democrats or republicans.  so far, i really dont care about either obama or clinton.  it seems like one of them will be the next president.  so instead of trying to vote in an awesome guy for now (kucinich), im going to look at the long term aspects of things for later: more options!!!


disclaimer: i don't know much about politics.  i just have an idea.

i have been thinking a lot about 'when im older', such as, when i'm older, i would like to have at least 3 major parties to chose from, i would like weed to be legalized by the time i get cancer, id like to have same sex marriage legalized so i can see my friends get married and id like to have universal health care, because, well, ill be old.  so looking in the long run of things, im going to continue to vote for green or other third parties, unless there is a major problem (like bush's second term, i voted for kerry... ugh)  i just want to have options when im older, and i dont see more options coming my way when greens and socialists and libertarians and constitutionalists get pushed into democrats or republicans.  so far, i really dont care about either obama or clinton.  it seems like one of them will be the next president.  so instead of trying to vote in an awesome guy for now (kucinich), im going to look at the long term aspects of things for later: more options!!!

Imagine if everyone voted like that Hiimkelsi?  If everyone voted for the person who they thought would win, and not for who they thought would be the best, then there would never, ever be a third party.  If nobody voted for Kucinich then nobody that thought like you would ever vote outside Democrat or Republican because "there is no way he could win so it will be a wasted vote."  Politicians are big on whining about how someone from a 3rd party "steals" their votes, thereby making anyone who is outside of the big two look like traitors or people trying to harm America.  Every time someone votes for a shitty alternative and not the real solution, they are in effect harming Democracy, because if people don't vote for who they really want, other people will never know how popular these other contenders are.  This becomes a cyclical downward spiral when people vote for the most popular, "less evil" alternative.

I'm sorry if I come across as harsh, and I'm not trying to blame anyone for anything at all. (I've voted like that before).  It just saddens me to see someone not voting for who they think is the best choice.


I voted for Kucinich last time in the primaries. He's great!


disclaimer: i don't know much about politics.  i just have an idea.

i have been thinking a lot about 'when im older', such as, when i'm older, i would like to have at least 3 major parties to chose from, i would like weed to be legalized by the time i get cancer, id like to have same sex marriage legalized so i can see my friends get married and id like to have universal health care, because, well, ill be old.  so looking in the long run of things, im going to continue to vote for green or other third parties, unless there is a major problem (like bush's second term, i voted for kerry... ugh)  i just want to have options when im older, and i dont see more options coming my way when greens and socialists and libertarians and constitutionalists get pushed into democrats or republicans.  so far, i really dont care about either obama or clinton.  it seems like one of them will be the next president.  so instead of trying to vote in an awesome guy for now (kucinich), im going to look at the long term aspects of things for later: more options!!!

Imagine if everyone voted like that Hiimkelsi?  If everyone voted for the person who they thought would win, and not for who they thought would be the best, then there would never, ever be a third party.  If nobody voted for Kucinich then nobody that thought like you would ever vote outside Democrat or Republican because "there is no way he could win so it will be a wasted vote."  Politicians are big on whining about how someone from a 3rd party "steals" their votes, thereby making anyone who is outside of the big two look like traitors or people trying to harm America.  Every time someone votes for a shitty alternative and not the real solution, they are in effect harming Democracy, because if people don't vote for who they really want, other people will never know how popular these other contenders are.  This becomes a cyclical downward spiral when people vote for the most popular, "less evil" alternative.

I'm sorry if I come across as harsh, and I'm not trying to blame anyone for anything at all. (I've voted like that before).  It just saddens me to see someone not voting for who they think is the best choice.

i wrote out a really long 'blah blah blah' post.  deleted it.  i just want to say that what it boils down to is more choices.  when the republicans and democrats that i like get voted out for clinton or gulliani, i would think, i wish they were registered green or libertarian or independent so i could vote for them (im registered green, cant vote in the primaries).  it sucks going to the polls and looking at the ballot thinking 'there is not a single person on here who represents me'.  with the two party system, i feel like im voting for the lesser of two evils, but with a multiple party system, i could vote for who i really want.


I used to be registered a Libertarian but then I thought labeling myself as anything contributes to the problem since in the future a thrid party would may be only unseat the current ruling parties and it'd be the same problem different version.
Now I'm registered as NO PARTY AFFILIATION. I love it. The wording on my voter card is cool... I can't remember what it says I think it's "Non-Affiliated" or something.
It just makes me happy because that's ME. There is no way any one group can stand for EVERY thing I am and think.


I used to be registered a Libertarian but then I thought labeling myself as anything contributes to the problem since in the future a thrid party would may be only unseat the current ruling parties and it'd be the same problem different version.
Now I'm registered as NO PARTY AFFILIATION. I love it. The wording on my voter card is cool... I can't remember what it says I think it's "Non-Affiliated" or something.
It just makes me happy because that's ME. There is no way any one group can stand for EVERY thing I am and think.

i was actually thinking of registering independent a couple years ago when i had to re-register, is that the same thing as non-affiliated? 


The only candidate I can really get behind so far is Ron Paul. He is against the patriot act and wants minimal government involvement. He believes many issues should be resolved by state



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