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30 day shred!

I know several of us are doing the 30 day shred with Jillian Michaels, so we can talk about it here. I've really liked it. I like Anita better, but I do what Natalie's doing. I'm still on level 1, and I think today is day 6. I haven't done it consecutively, because I didn't feel like doing it during my sick with cold death-phase, but I think I can do every day now. On to level 2, soon! I'm annoyed that I can't skip past Jill's speech at the beginning, but oh well!

I am quite sore. but I'm also flabby and out of shape.

Im in the same boat. I quit my gym a while back.  thinking i could work out at home. its hard to motivate, but do able.  I might start tonight. I also downloaded some awesome yoga videos. might start with those. to ease into a more intense workout. or do part of each... dont know... Ill let you know how it goes


how much is the 30 day shred? or p90x? do you guys know? i wanna buy it because i know im not gonna bring myself to run over summer break. haha


The Shred is 10 dollars at Target right now. It usually is. If you go into a Target and it's more than 10 bucks, go back the following week.


I googled it and it was 8 dollars dont remember where.  I downloaded it from it only works on my computer though


I am quite sore. but I'm also flabby and out of shape.

yikes. I just did the first session. cardio was fine. I couldnt do all the squats with the weights. I'll keep trying.


thanks guys!


I keep coming to vw and then forget why I came.  I finally remembered - to post on this thread.

The first time I did the shred was one day last week.  Then I had plans over the weekend and did do it.  Yesterday was my second day and today was the third.  It's getting easier now that I know where we are in the routine.  The two problems for me remain the squat-raise-weight-lift-above-head and the side-lunge-raise-weights-to-eye-level moves, but I'm getting better at them.

Those two things are the whole reason I can't stick to the shred.  I hate those.  I guess I'd rather be fat than do those.  ha.

I just did level one for the first time. same here.... I was bad on the squats. Is the idea to master level one then move on the level 2? I pirated it off the internet so I have no instructions


You do 10 days of level one, 10 of level 2, and 10 of level three.

Cardio is probably the easiest part for me. I'm not sure if that's because it's actually easier, or because I'm somewhat used to running, so 2 minutes is no big deal. However, those squat thrusts from level two... those can die.

For the first level, the worst part for me is that side lunge/shoulder raise. Throughout the 10 days, I don't think I got any better at that. The "squat and press" was somewhat difficult, but doable.


Thanks for the info on the number of days for each level. After I did my level one last night i did yoga. the stretching helped me from not being too sore today. only my shoulders today.  I have to get some good shoes. since all I do is yoga and palaties I never have needed shoes. always bare foot for my workouts. 


bought the 30 day shred today!!! yayyyyy!!! we're starting it tomorrow :D


I bought the shred because of this thread and  I love it!!  I'm on day 18 and level 1 is most def harder than level 2.  My jeans are starting top get looser so I will continue to shred!!  After I'm going to do Jillians other two dvds.

lies! I hate squat thrusts and the V-raise thing from level 2 >.<
i think level 1 is harder for thighs, level 2 is harder on the arms (and abs?) because of all the plank stuff.


Now see I can do the squat thrusts but , level 3 mountain climbers are killing me as are the plie jump thingys they hurt my knees


today was my first day of shred. AWESOME!! :D


Hi! So glad to see this thread....I'm on day 6 of the shred. I started it back in december but gave up so I'm restarting it now. Level one is hard...I just can't do those side lunges with arm lifts with the weights, I have to put them down.  >:(


Has anyone tried any of the other Jillian Michaels dvds? Any good?


i just did level 2 and WOW!!! it is so much more intense than level 1!!! i loved it


Hello, everyone!  Okay, so I got the Jilian Michaels DVD after doing a bunch of research online about the pros and cons of the work out.  The biggest criticism of the work out is that it has you doing strength training on a daily basis even though professional trainers recommend that you put 48 hours of healing time in between strength training workouts.  The reason being: if you continue to work out muscles that are trying to repair themselves, then they are just going to break down if you give them more stress before they are ready.

I also read that for the fullest workout you should put a cardio session like biking, swimming, running in on the day in between your strength training.

So, here is my plan (and I wonder if anyone else will join me).  I am going to take on the very big commitment of turning the 30 shred into a 60 shred.  I will do the 30 shred every other day and do cardio on my bike for 20 minutes on the days in between.  I did my first shred yesterday, so my first cardio session will be today.

Anyone care to join me?  8-)


Has anyone tried any of the other Jillian Michaels dvds? Any good?

This is an old question, I know, but I just saw it & thought I'd answer.  I LOVE Jillian's DVDs.  I have No More Trouble Zones and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism.  They're killer workouts & really comprehensive!


Hello, everyone!  Okay, so I got the Jilian Michaels DVD after doing a bunch of research online about the pros and cons of the work out.  The biggest criticism of the work out is that it has you doing strength training on a daily basis even though professional trainers recommend that you put 48 hours of healing time in between strength training workouts.  The reason being: if you continue to work out muscles that are trying to repair themselves, then they are just going to break down if you give them more stress before they are ready.

I also read that for the fullest workout you should put a cardio session like biking, swimming, running in on the day in between your strength training.

So, here is my plan (and I wonder if anyone else will join me).  I am going to take on the very big commitment of turning the 30 shred into a 60 shred.  I will do the 30 shred every other day and do cardio on my bike for 20 minutes on the days in between.  I did my first shred yesterday, so my first cardio session will be today.

Anyone care to join me?  8-)

I did this without the exercise on in between days, it worked well. I felt like I got more out of it when I could recover for a day rather than push through sore muscles. I could do a lot more/more intense versions when I waited a day rather than days in a row.


Now that I've been going to the gym for a while, I want to try this again to see what level I can do.



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