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Got on the bathroom scale today...

...and I've gained 10 lbs since going vegetarian.


...I've gained back 7 lbs since getting back from the hospital.

I hardly ate when at the hospital. I had a bad combination of asthma that wouldn't go away, and puenmonia (sp? I have no clue).Since being home I've also been eating ALL the time because I never feel full like the way I did when I was eating meat.

I also ate a pretty big sandwich last night, like...30 minutes before bed.

So it could be anyone of these things, or a combo.

All I know is that I want to lose weight. Once I got back from the hospital and was down to 147, I felt AMAZING. I felt light, and sexy, and had lots and lots of energy.

Anyone have any tips on foods I should try to eat instead of junk I've been eating?

exactly what you said: stop eating junk. eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies and cut back on the processed and/or frozen foods. have you been eating protein like beans and nuts? figure out a system that works for you, like which foods keep you full in the morning, at lunch and at dinner. and a lot of new veg*ns  gain weight because they replace the meat with carbs. im not saying don't eat carbs, just make sure you're not over-doing it. Lord knows i did. lol. hope this helps!  ;D


Cook your own food (I'm starting to again, yay VW!) to combat the eating "handy" junk food and/or join  It keeps track of your protein, carb, and fat intake, which is helpful, so you know what areas you are overdoing it in, if you are.  I go on there occasionally to see how a day or two of my diet looks to make sure I'm getting enough of what I need. I find that protein is a good way to feel full, and there are lots of fake "meats" out there that you could supplement your diet with during your transition to get the protein you may feel you're lacking. Good luck!


I was told by a nutritionist that one should combine carbs with fat or protein to make them last longer and digest more slowly. Eating high-fiber foods also helps you feel full, as does eating food with a high water content. So something like oatmeal with peanut butter =  ;)b

But in terms of fat, try to get your fat from things that naturally contain it, as opposed to things that have it added in. Nuts > Potatoes roasted with olive oil > shortbread cookies made with shortening. Whole foods are good for you! 8-)


Join us in the bootcamp thread! We are all trying to drop a few pounds too. A few of us are doing Eat to Live (based on the book Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman). It is a diet based heavily on consuming mass amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fuhrman recommends eating at least 1lb of raw veggies, a 1lb of cooked leafy greens, 4 servings of fruit, and 1 cup of beans each day. You also limit your intake of starchy vegetables and grains to about 1 cup per day. It is impossible to not feel full when eating this way. You feel like you are constantly stuffing your face with fruits and veggies all day long. I have been doing it since January 1st and I have lost 6lbs so far.


Stitches, I definitely second cooking for yourself, preferably from scratch. You can really enjoy the preparation part and putting it all together. While it cooks, I like to sort out a drink and my plate and cutlery and any side salad I'm having, then I serve it up to look pretty and sit down at the table to eat. I used to have a tendency to think, "Oh, I'm hungry, must eat veggie burger and fried potatoes NOW," but I find by slowing myself down at every step I eat more slowly, enjoy my meal and stop when I've had enough.

Also, salads! For me it's usually lots of tomato, cucumber, peppers and carrot with a little coleslaw or hummus, then wholewheat bread and something like cold veggie sausages or Moroccan cous cous. So many pretty colours :)


I was told by a nutritionist that one should combine carbs with fat or protein to make them last longer and digest more slowly. 

I agree, I was going to say the same thing.  I'm also a new vegetarian (ovo-lacto, like you).  I did it last summer, and I was starved all the time, and gained 10 lbs in one month.  I realized later that when I removed meat from my diet, i replaced them by more carbs like bread and pasta.  I wasent getting enough protein.  This time, I'm more careful.  I eat lots of nut, beans/lentils. Like for a snack when i feel starved, i'll have some almonds and a fruit, or hummus and veggies.  I'm actually more full now than I was when I did eat meat.


But in terms of fat, try to get your fat from things that naturally contain it, as opposed to things that have it added in. Nuts > Potatoes roasted with olive oil > shortbread cookies made with shortening. Whole foods are good for you! 8-)

Avocados?  ;)b


Avocados?   ;)b

x1000  ;)b


Avocados?  ;)b

x1000  ;)b



Avocados?   ;)b

x1000  ;)b

Note to OP: don't actually try eating 1000 avocadoes. I'm not sure what would happen but I'm fairly sure that 'scary' and 'unpleasant' would be appropriate words.


Avocados?  ;)b

x1000  ;)b

Note to OP: don't actually try eating 1000 avocadoes. I'm not sure what would happen but I'm fairly sure that 'scary' and 'unpleasant' would be appropriate words.

True. Well, I haven't attempted it, but I'm guessing what Catski said is likely to be true.


I seriously want to try eating 1000 avocados... or mabye just start with 500... or any amount... i just want an avocado......


Avocados?   ;)b

x1000  ;)b

Note to OP: don't actually try eating 1000 avocadoes. I'm not sure what would happen but I'm fairly sure that 'scary' and 'unpleasant' would be appropriate words.

Maybe like the blueberry girl on Charlie and the Chocolate factory except you'd turn green and develop rough dark green skin.


Avocados?  ;)b

x1000  ;)b

Note to OP: don't actually try eating 1000 avocadoes. I'm not sure what would happen but I'm fairly sure that 'scary' and 'unpleasant' would be appropriate words.

Maybe like the blueberry girl on Charlie and the Chocolate factory except you'd turn green and develop rough dark green skin.

we already have a thread about this:


we already have a thread about this:

;)b :)


I seriously want to try eating 1000 avocados... or mabye just start with 500... or any amount... i just want an avocado......

I tried eating my own weight in watermelon over the summer. Didn't quite make it, but got a lot of interesting looks the time I bought half a watermelon at the grocery store to eat for lunch.  :D

I'll do it this summer.


Holy crap, I've missed like...this entire thread after starting it. Hmm...can anyone help me out and tell me how to quote other peoples posts?


Holy crap, I've missed like...this entire thread after starting it. Hmm...can anyone help me out and tell me how to quote other peoples posts?

Go to the post you want to quote and there is a little "quote" button in the upper right corner. :)


Holy crap, I've missed like...this entire thread after starting it. Hmm...can anyone help me out and tell me how to quote other peoples posts?

Go to the post you want to quote and there is a little "quote" button in the upper right corner. :)

Haha, I don't know HOW I managed to miss that. Thanks, Meggs.  :)


Holy crap, I've missed like...this entire thread after starting it. Hmm...can anyone help me out and tell me how to quote other peoples posts?

Go to the post you want to quote and there is a little "quote" button in the upper right corner. :)

Haha, I don't know HOW I managed to miss that. Thanks, Meggs.  :)

You're quite welcome.  ;)b

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