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Goal Tracking Club

This thread is for people who formally want to track either one or two goals and hold themselves accountable to each other.  Research says that people who quantify and track their goals in a way that keeps them accountable lose up to twice as much weight.  :)

These can be any type of fitness/health goals, not just weight loss or the like.  It could be an amount of time spent working out, or drinking a certain amount of water each day, or losing a certain number of inches, for example.

Here's the chart I made, but I don't know why it's showing up so small.  Let me try to fix it....

I plan on starting the Couch to 5K soon, when it gets a little warmer outside.  I'd love to be able to run - or jog a fair distance without wanting to die.


good job guys!!


I want to do the couch to 5k too. I have some friends who did it who run in races all the time now. I've been using my jump rope and doing push-ups and sit-ups. I should really order the 30 day shred so I can do more of a workout here in the apartment. At least I'm doing something though, which is better than before! I'm also eating lots more raw veggies.


get the 30 day shred!! i love it!!


I got mine used on Amazon for $3


damn, erin, thats a sweet deal!!


yeah, I was looking on Amazon and it's more expensive to get it here but still worth it. I should get on that...


I started Couch to 5K today! I am so out of shape... but at least I was able to do it. I'm sure it'll get easier. The problem is I ate really unhealthy food today. I'm trying though. I really want to be in better shape.


Oh, I forgot to post my weigh in results from last night - lost 1.6lbs for a grand total of 10lbs down!
My only problem is that I'm super hungry all of a sudden - I can't stop wanting to eat - and it's annoying me!

algae, I think I might start my Couch to 5K tonight - it's beautiful out!
I'll report back tomorrow - I'm super out of shape too....I walked a few laps on my lunch today and my hip and knee started to bother me almost immediately.


Oh, I forgot to post my weigh in results from last night - lost 1.6lbs for a grand total of 10lbs down!
My only problem is that I'm super hungry all of a sudden - I can't stop wanting to eat - and it's annoying me!

algae, I think I might start my Couch to 5K tonight - it's beautiful out!
I'll report back tomorrow - I'm super out of shape too....I walked a few laps on my lunch today and my hip and knee started to bother me almost immediately.

10 lbs down!! awesome!! I just saw that you posted about doing the couch to 5k on fb and I was like whoa, what a coincidence! but then I realized that maybe you saw what I'd just posted here. yeah. I'm so happy you're doing it too!! I definitely got out of breath a little but being allowed to walk in between runs was so helpful. I'm sure you'll do great! I do hope your hip and knee will be okay. If they still bother you then it might be best to do some exercise that isn't so hard on the knees. My dad really messed up his knees from running. Anyway, have fun!


I was doing so very very good.  Then mid February I had a small car accident and my "good" knee has been swollen and ouchy.  I really feel the need to get back with the program. :(


My marathon is exactly one month from today! Hooray! This means that my miles will start tapering down in a couple of weeks *thank god*  :)


vr, i wish i could run like you. good luck with your marathon!!!


ok, I think I skipped a week, but now my total is 11.2 pounds lost...
I only lost .6 this week, but that's better than I expected...I was a major cow all weekend, so I really expected to gain....


The hardest part of my marathon training is over, and now I am on the taper. Which means I am running very low mileage, and it's making me really antsy! I know anything I do now will hurt me because I need to save up energy for the big day, but it's such a strange feeling to be running so little, especially before the big day! I'm antsyyyyyyyyy!!!!


Hell yeah!  I lost 2.4 lbs this week!  And I ate cookies again!  I just wish I knew what I did differently this week so I can keep doing it...


Ok, so it's been over a month since I last posted here and I've only lost 3 more pounds....I've been slacking hardcore, but I'm ready to get back on track!
So I'm a total of 15 lbs down since the end of January - I'd like to be at 20 lbs down by June 1st....


erin, that's awesome!! go you!!


Congratulations, erin! That's awesome.


I'm now pretty consistently a M, instead of L, in bottoms! Unheard of. : )



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