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I need to loose some weight!

ugh- I knew my pants were tight, but I went to the doctor's this morning- I'm 157 lbs!!!  :o Time to shed a few. Should help my running too. The problem is I have a HUGE appetite! Seems like I am always hungry- like now! Anyone have any tips? I try to eat lots of fruits & veggies & I am already very active.

Gah why can't I eat enough calories, it's so annoying, I made freaking GORDITAS for dinner and still only 1000 calories total. 

I wish I had that problem!!!! Yesterday, I did ok, sparkpeople has my daily calorie goal as 1200-1550 & I ate a total of 1722 all day yesterday. But now today I am already having a problem, I had a banana & some coffee before biking for an hour this morning, drank 2 cups of water & had a packet of this hot cereal blend i like along with a scoop of hemp protien powder, 2 plums & a pear & more coffee with soymilk. I still feel hungry & its only 8:20! So far I ate 538 calories  >:(


Of course today someone brought in soft pretzels!!!!! It's ok, I found some herbal tea bags & made myself some tea- its helping to have something warm to drink I think.

I think my system just somehow got really out of wack & I feel like I need more food than I relaly do.


OK--I'm so not posting this to make anyone feel worse--but here is the CDC's BMI calculator--I figure if anyone would have the "right" numbers it would be them!

My BMI came out to 25.6 which is considered "overweight" but I am only .7 away from being considered "normal" i figured out that by their numbers I need to weigh 136 lbs to be at the max normal number which means I need to lose 4 pounds--makes me feel better then needing to lose the 30 lbs I thought to be "normal" OK--I hope this is helpful and not hurtful!

BMI                Weight Status
Below 18.5    Underweight
18.5–24.9    Normal
25.0–29.9    Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

I'm convinced that this BMI stuff isn't accurate.  I think it's good to kinda keep yourself in check, but it doesnt take into consideration your body type, or muscle weight.  So someone who is a buff 140lbs at, i don't know 5' 2" could be told they are overweight when in fact its just the muscle weight they are carrying...hmmmm I think the only REAL way to know is to actually go to a professional and have them evaluate your fat percentage.  On another note that sparkle site is kinda cool! 8)


arg, I'm in the same boat right now.  I've gained probably 10+ pounds over the past few months ~ but I know it's from all my snacking!  :D  I have a horrible problem of snacking after dinner.  I started drinking alot more water, fast walking 45min. 3 times a week and trying to stop all the snacking.  I'm not overweight by any means I'm just uncomfortable with the extra pounds.  I'm going to check out that sparks site... thanks for the helpful tips everyone!  :)


Gah why can't I eat enough calories, it's so annoying, I made freaking GORDITAS for dinner and still only 1000 calories total. 

I've been going for the raw veggie deal and I add a lot of oils, that gets the calorie count up quick and in a hurry! 


I think that the key is to listen to your body.  You only eat when you are hungry.  You don't drink water 20 or so mins each side of eating because it will stop the absorption of nutrients.  Drinking water to feel full is not ideal.  When your body is hungry it means it NEEDS fuel.  Maybe you need to be more in tune with what fuel you are actually requiring.  What are you feeling like most?  That's what you actually need to eat.  If you eat small amounts every few hours you won't get that starving feeling.  I get very worried when people start dieting because it isn't about cutting food intake.  It is about feeding your body the nutrients it needs.  Eat fruit,  salad and lots of veggies as well as brown rice,  millet.  quinoa,  raw nuts and seeds etc - no white rice,  pasta etc.  Aim for LOW GI foods and a big one is just to NOT EAT WHEN YOU AREN'T HUNGRY.

You should NEVER go to bed hungry because you will be ignoring what your body is needing.  You can REALLY mess with your blood sugar levels if you ignore hunger for that many hours - that can screw a lot of things up.  Just eat low GI foods regularly and you won't get super hungry or have any of that suffering.  Don't torture yourself.  Just be healthy and listen to your body not your emotions or your mind - it really does know what it needs and it does tell you.

A fantastic book is 'Fat is a Feminist Issue' by Susie Orbach.  It is really easy to read and gives you insight into the relationship that you have with yourself and that women have with society and food.  It is really VERY heplful instead of a dieting book.  It honestly changes your eating habits.

Alright,  I'll stop now,  I'm a bit passionate about this because it is so important for women to stop putting themselves down and be beautiful for themselves.  Healthy is really beautiful.  So,  just be healthy and sensible and accept yourself.


I joined sparkspeople ~ the website is absolutely awesome!  I've just spent the last hour looking through everything.  Thanks for the suggestion. :)


OK--I'm so not posting this to make anyone feel worse--but here is the CDC's BMI calculator--I figure if anyone would have the "right" numbers it would be them!

My BMI came out to 25.6 which is considered "overweight" but I am only .7 away from being considered "normal" i figured out that by their numbers I need to weigh 136 lbs to be at the max normal number which means I need to lose 4 pounds--makes me feel better then needing to lose the 30 lbs I thought to be "normal" OK--I hope this is helpful and not hurtful!

BMI                Weight Status
Below 18.5    Underweight
18.5–24.9     Normal
25.0–29.9     Overweight
30.0 and Above Obese

I'm convinced that this BMI stuff isn't accurate.  I think it's good to kinda keep yourself in check, but it doesnt take into consideration your body type, or muscle weight.  So someone who is a buff 140lbs at, i don't know 5' 2" could be told they are overweight when in fact its just the muscle weight they are carrying...hmmmm I think the only REAL way to know is to actually go to a professional and have them evaluate your fat percentage.  On another note that sparkle site is kinda cool! 8)

There is a company called Tanita that makes hi-tech scales for mesuring all this stuff way more accuratly then just by weight and height--they use them at hospitals but the company also makes them for home use as well--I used one in a medical settin about 2 years ago and it really gave a detailed account of my body mass including the weight of your bones, fat mass, muscle mass, water mass and a bunch of other stuff--it then gave a read out of numbers clearly indicating the numbers I was at and the "normal" of optimal numbers I should be at for my height and body type--it was one of the best tools to help me see where I was and a goal to have in mind!

You are totally right to say that these BMI numbers are not totally accuate--they really should only be used as a rough draft so to speak. If you can get one of these Tanita read outs they are a lot better!

Here is their web site for any one interested!

Good luck everyone!!!!



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