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Hate Poll: How Much Do You Hate Rachael Ray?

  I really, really hate Rachael Ray. I'm not a good enough writer to really put it into words. That would take Shakespeare.  >:(

  She's everywhere. She's ruining my life because I can't watch the Food Network for five minutes without seeing her phony, grinning, sellout face leering at me. She represents all that is wrong with this country, this planet, this solar system, this galaxy and the whole MF-ing universe. She is evil incarnate.

  Help me to vent my white-hot hatred of her by contributing your own virulent tirades against the woman, the brand, the hellspawn Rachael Ray here in this thread.

im thinking stirrups, nose plugs, a neck brace, and a mini flashlight

Close... ;D Plus a chisel.



reminds me of a great story my piercing friend told me awhile back. She was asked to help her co worker because a rather large lady came in for a clit piercing, and my friend was needed to push the womans thieghs apart...because I guess the stirrups they have were not doing the job



:( :(  That pic just makes me feel bad for that poor woman.  :'( :'(

*goes and hides in the corner for fat girls*


Wow. :o That's all I can say to that. Wow.


I'm lucky, I live in Europe...I've never heard of either one of them except on here. My life is very free!  ;D


I'm lucky, I live in Europe...I've never heard of either one of them except on here. My life is very free!  ;D

  You're lucky. I'm pretty sure the Geneva Convention prohibits the United States from exposing any citizens of other countries to either Rachael Ray or Paula Deen.


hehe- this thread makes me laugh! about a year ago I thought my husband was the only person who hated her so much. Everytime we see her he says,"I can't stand her! I just want to punch her in the face!!!" haha and he is NOT a violent person. Now it seems more people hate her than like her.


I veganized her Indian Summer chilli recipe from the Foodnetwork. It's now my staple chilli recipe. 

Take that Rachel Ray!

/not a fan.
//Gordon Ramsay <3


I don't watch 30 minute meals but I DO watch $40 a Day.
I juss like her fayce when she taystes sumthin new....


Awww, don't hate!  :(

I like Rachel.  I gets lots of good, quick ideas from her.  She made these stuffed poblano peppers on 30-Minute Meals yesterday and I am dying to try them.
Yeah, sorry, I really can't hate a person I have never met....


When they were doing profiles on all of the chefs, it changed my mind about some of the stars.  I liked Bobby Flay less, and Rachel Ray more after seeing theirs.  I dropped the cable last year though (except I'm still getting basic for free because they can't figure out how to turn it off) so I guess it doesn't matter much anymore.

Oh yeah, I saw some of those profile shows too lately.  I used to not care much for Sandra Lee's "Semi-homemade" show (I thought, that's so lame, she's just taking things out of cans and jars and plopping them into a bowl), but after I saw the little biographical show about her, I don't think she's so bad. 


someone had left the tv on today and i could hear her terrible voice in the kitchen and i thought to myself "i hate her. i hate her i hate her i hate her does she ever shut up." and then i wondered if i was the only one because lots of people seem to like her. then i came here and did the little "unread posts" thing.. AND THIS WAS RIGHT AT THE TOP.
fate. vegan fate i tell you.
most of the people with shows dont talk the whole time and the show is nice and relaxing and you have time to think and be like "that food looks terrible." BUT NO. rachael has to blather the WHOLE TIME about NOTHING and then she just repeats things that she already said and her voice is so terrible and then she gestures way too much and lhsdflgkhskghs i adghadjkgha. im not a fan.

paula deen is tolerable. but not her talk show because that is totally fake paula deen. the older episodes are ok because shes not being crazy on purpose.

(im sorry for all the caps but oh man. im all fired up hehe :) )
ina garten. she fascinates me.
shes so fat and then she has all these male friends and they have parties and her husband is like this nerd and doesnt live with her during the week and she makes him all this food and shes really fat and shes all snooty because she lives in the hamptons and everything she uses she describes as "good" like "a good mayonaise"  "good vanilla" "good dijon mustard" "good soy sauce" as if bad soy sauce exists..and then she makes these recommendations of things that real people cant afford and. .i just..she..the food..*shudders* its like a horrific car accident. i cant look away i watch her show like every day. heh.

that was a little too much ranting. im sorry.
i could also tell you about how much i hate that dinner impossible guy, bobby flay, giada, and emeril..but perhaps another day.


i hate on $40 a day how she praises every single thing she tries. i guess it would be mean if she gave a negative review of something, but just once i'd like to hear her say, "ya know, i really like the blahblahblah, but the alsdkmeataldkfjeggylak tastes like shit."


ina garten. she fascinates me.
shes so fat and then she has all these male friends and they have parties and her husband is like this nerd and doesnt live with her during the week and she makes him all this food and shes really fat and shes all snooty because she lives in the hamptons and everything she uses she describes as "good" like "a good mayonaise"  "good vanilla" "good dijon mustard" "good soy sauce" as if bad soy sauce exists..and then she makes these recommendations of things that real people cant afford and. .i just..she..the food..*shudders* its like a horrific car accident. i cant look away i watch her show like every day. heh.

All the male "friends".....I swear...... ::)
Your description basically sums it up.


I actually don't hate Rachael; I think she is too overexposed, as some others have pointed out, but I think she seems cool. And I really like the fact that she has no formal training as a chef, but her passion for food & hard work allowed her to become successful in the industry. Plus, I like that she's not a food snob & is just a "guys girl"--like ready to just hang out & chat & drink beer. Plus, she's a total lush on her $40 a Day shows (always leaves enough money for a drink!), and I'm pretty sure she smokes like a chimney. ;D (I do not, however, like the fact that she loves to cook with "sexy, savory" veal--a lot. :'()

(im sorry for all the caps but oh man. im all fired up hehe :) )
ina garten. she fascinates me.
shes so fat and then she has all these male friends and they have parties and her husband is like this nerd and doesnt live with her during the week and she makes him all this food and shes really fat and shes all snooty because she lives in the hamptons and everything she uses she describes as "good" like "a good mayonaise"  "good vanilla" "good dijon mustard" "good soy sauce" as if bad soy sauce exists..and then she makes these recommendations of things that real people cant afford and. .i just..she..the food..*shudders* its like a horrific car accident. i cant look away i watch her show like every day. heh.

This is so funny because I watch Ina (the "Barefoot Contessa") at every chance I get, too! She is like this "fabulous" (as she always says) Hamptons socialite, who cooks $500 dinners every night, and all her "fabulous" gay socialite man friends keep her company during the week while her "fabulous" husband lives in Connecticut during the week to work at his "fabulous" job as a dean at Yale. ::) She does seem really sweet, though, and I like that she has had a lot of success--and also no formal training. I guess I like the "underdogs" on the Food Network--maybe because I identify with them (no formal training), but fantasize about having a cooking show or writing cookbooks because I am a dork.

But Bobby Flay... >:( Man, don't get me started. He has always irritated me, but I actually saw him one time in New York & he just radiated COCKY! ;D

EDIT: I just looked up Ina's bio at the Wiki Bible, and it's super-fascinating! She's lived in a bunch of places, and taught herself how to cook through reading Julia Child cookbooks & throwing dinner parties... She also has her pilot's license! What a badass.


Hate is such a strong word.

I'd really prefer to say that I cannot stand the fact that her face has become a marketable stamp for the food network, or for that matter, an image that brings to mind our American dining culture....

I DO NOT wish violence on anyone (except for perhaps a certain, um, political figure who, according to our Constitution, should be executed for his criminal actions, though I would settle for giving him lifetime incarceration, leaving the physical "treatment" up to his fellow inmates)....
ahem...I digress!

I DO think that Rachael Ray just needs a quick slap in the face and a wake-up call from those of us who do NOT think that America needs to eat any more god--ddddarn donuts.

and now, because I'm image-crazy right now, I bring you...

Gallery of the Absurd's genius artist, "14," and one of her recent creations:

More Yuck-O! images by Gallery of the Absurd

I will say, however, that the idea behind 30-minute meals is pretty neat....I'm not a big fan of America's obsession with faster-simpler-more-convenient forms of action, especially when it comes to something as important as what we put into our bodies for nourishment...but some of us DO need a quick meal idea now and then.


Heh, eew.  Rachel Ray and Paula Deen are the Scylla and Charybdis of the food network.  However... well, Emeril used to bug the crap out of me too, and so does Bobby Flay, and uuuuuuuuuugh somebody please beat up Mario Batali with his hideous orange Crocs.


I actually watched Rachel Ray's cooking show tonight and she made a vegetarian pasta dish with pesto.  Looked really good.  She keeped saying over and over how more people are going vegetarian and this dish is so good you would never miss the meat. 


When they were doing profiles on all of the chefs, it changed my mind about some of the stars.  I liked Bobby Flay less, and Rachel Ray more after seeing theirs.  I dropped the cable last year though (except I'm still getting basic for free because they can't figure out how to turn it off) so I guess it doesn't matter much anymore.

Oh yeah, I saw some of those profile shows too lately.  I used to not care much for Sandra Lee's "Semi-homemade" show (I thought, that's so lame, she's just taking things out of cans and jars and plopping them into a bowl), but after I saw the little biographical show about her, I don't think she's so bad.   

No crap, she used to annoy the hell out of me.  And I never really understood the point of her show, the few times I watched it was like "buy one of these premade cakes and slather it with cool whip and you're done" so I didn't see a point in's not even a little bit homemade.  But I saw her on Tyra and it really shocked me all of the things she went through and then her reluctance to talk about it to protect people in her family.  Sob stories work on me, I guess.  I think she deserves her success, now

I actually watched Rachel Ray's cooking show tonight and she made a vegetarian pasta dish with pesto.  Looked really good.  She keeped saying over and over how more people are going vegetarian and this dish is so good you would never miss the meat. 

Watched it!! It did look good but I don't think any pesto needs multiple handfuls of cheese.  I want one of those knives she uses


I actually watched Rachel Ray's cooking show tonight and she made a vegetarian pasta dish with pesto.  Looked really good.  She keeped saying over and over how more people are going vegetarian and this dish is so good you would never miss the meat. 

Watched it!! It did look good but I don't think any pesto needs multiple handfuls of cheese.  I want one of those knives she uses

eee. i saw that too.
i sort of felt like a jerk for saying how much i hated her then..but im still not a fan..she gestures too much and too enthusiastically. :)



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